Peachy keen

By fuzzy - 23/09/2009 10:43 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend is coming over. We haven't seen each other for a while so for a surprise, a few days ago, I decided to shave my pubic hair. I've come up in a huge rash that looks like some sort of infection. Not quite the sexy surprise I was hoping for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 753
You deserved it 6 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not very well planned on your part - didn't you know that nearly always happens the first few times? Don't worry about it. Just give it some time to heal, try again when you don't have anything better to do. Make sure you use a good shaving gel or cream, and a sharp razor. Shaving one's nethers is such a hassle, I typically only do it three times a year. Frankly I am a bit offended by the suggestion in other comments that one should shave all the time. Being hairy is natural. **Go with what works for you.** My partner likes it when I'm shaved, but he has the decency to not even ask me to do so. It can be quite itchy when the stubble grows back out, and he knows that.

it's also best to shave with the direction of hair, not against it. and cheap ass razors are a no no.


man there are a lot of fkd comments on here. you can't telll her to "please keep in shaved" its got nothing to do with you, its her minge.

NOOB :) lol ignore the negative comments.. but if you wana keep shaving here are some tips: - DO NOT shave everyday. (give it some time to grow back a little) - Take a long shower / bath beforehand. - ALWAYS use plenty of shaving cream / gel. - NEVER use a dull razor. don't use something with like 5 blades either, you don't need that many! - shave inwards. like.. in the opposite direction. or... jus get it waxed. im not gona lie, it hurts like hell. (people say it gets better as you do it more, but its not true. it hurts the same EVERYTIME) but it does last longer! hope that helped w your problem a bit lol.

I totally sympathize with you. It sucks, I know.

that happened to me and i waxed! so wtf! and i'm super clean so i don't get it

xpoizonxkizzx 0
BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

its only smooth the first day, and goes dwn hill from there ):

ydi you should shave or wax regularly, it's a hassel yes but it'll keep ur man happy

I know it sounds painful, but I find it works best to either shave the day of, or shave two days before then tweeze the hairs that have begun to grown back. It gets the hair out by the root, keeps it clean much longer, and prevents razor burn.

crammer1 6

Tweezing results in ingrown hairs. No thanks.

050294 0

I hate how men complain at women for not shaving, yet most men look like gorillas with all of their hair. If a girl doesn't want to shave, stfu. Stupid double standards.

spicyhotcheetos 0

Poor you. Razor burn hurts quite badly. I completely understand, though. When I was younger, I did the same thing. :p I shave every week or so now and it keeps the razor burn to a minimum. My boyfriend doesn't really care either way, though. Also, if your boyfriend does notice razor burn, he'll probably understand. x] My boyfriend does. He's shaved before. x]