Pet detective

By badluckdrew - 01/05/2009 14:28 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's mother called her in the bedroom for a serious talk. I overheard them arguing and yelling at each other. It turns out her mother found a condom next to her garbage. We got caught because her cat swallowed the condom and threw it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 601
You deserved it 20 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did your cat get a hold of it? I guess stop leaving them around like that. *shrugs*


... fill a used condom with water, tie it up and flush it! DUH! best way, you will never get caught! Unless your dumb enough to over fill it so it doesnt flush!

fayTHEAIRel 0

lmfao. Thats just effing hilarious. But that sucks at the same time.

YDI for having sex in your girlfriend's parent's house. That is very disrespectful. You need to respect their boundaries.

at least you could get it up............................

AnnerNanner 0

If you left it to where the cat could get it, You probably would have gotten caught with it anyways.

karamella_fml 0

feel bad for the cat.. Poor kitty..

@11 ROFL!! Well to bad for u op, makee out at ur gf's house