Pet detective

By badluckdrew - 01/05/2009 14:28 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's mother called her in the bedroom for a serious talk. I overheard them arguing and yelling at each other. It turns out her mother found a condom next to her garbage. We got caught because her cat swallowed the condom and threw it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 601
You deserved it 20 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did your cat get a hold of it? I guess stop leaving them around like that. *shrugs*


aquariusgirl212 0

NEXT TO the garbage can? Why not IN the garbage can? YDI

Does anyone understand that the condom was probably not used?

My dog ate a tampon today, and threw it up. I think my dog and your girlfriend's cat could be good friends - getting into shenanigans and then throwing up.

Well we'll know who it is if we see a "sperm_scavenger_kitty" going on about: "I can had ****-depository fur nomnom. tastes nuting liek cheezburger. I threws it ups. lol."

toomz 0

Well we know the cat swallows, how about your girl ?o_0 Young kids have such trouble disposing a condom, how is it difficult?

How old are you to get "caught" having sex?? Hahahaha. Grow up please! I'm allergic to latex. Either use "Skins" brand..or no condom at all :P (feels SOOO much better. I swear..I don't know how some people do it with them sometimes..)

Christ. Try disposing of them better. Wrap them up and a bundle of tissues. Or just dispose of them outside of the house.