Pet detective

By badluckdrew - 01/05/2009 14:28 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's mother called her in the bedroom for a serious talk. I overheard them arguing and yelling at each other. It turns out her mother found a condom next to her garbage. We got caught because her cat swallowed the condom and threw it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 601
You deserved it 20 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did your cat get a hold of it? I guess stop leaving them around like that. *shrugs*


pinkpikachu 0

I'm more worried about the cat! FTCL!

HAHAHA, You should have sawllowed it your self!

#59, I'd say so. My cat refuses to eat fish.

missus_butter 0

Well, now you know that some cats will feel compelled to eat rubbery things to satisfy an imbalance in their diet. I've heard of this with rubber bands, which can hurt the cat... luckily when my cat did this, she just ate the arms off of my rubber finger puppets that I had as a kid. Definitely throw the condoms away where the cat can't get at them (wad them up in toilet paper and take them home with you if you must) because kitty will probably continue trying to fish them out of the trash.

haha that is sooo hilarious. but don't let that cat touch you.

same thing happened with me. except it was my sister's puppy.

hannnnah07 0

Yesterday, My mom found a condom wrapper in my room. She said I "betrayed her, and that if I really loved her I wouldn't have sex anymore." I have been dating the same guy for over a year. She then told my dad, who now won't talk, or look at me.

Now, normally I don't judge, and the Prime Directive is rule number one. But your parents are freaks, and I'm sorry they measure their love/trust in you via proportion to your libido. Welcome to the wonderful world of Daddy issues. :-/