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By Anonymous - 30/07/2009 10:38 - United States

Today, I cleaned my house after a big party. Everything was great when my parents came home. Except for the bottle of hot and spicy mustard next to the shampoo in the shower. No one knows how it got there. I'm busted because of mustard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 647
You deserved it 41 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Couldn't you have just made up some excuse about how you read that spicy mustard is good for your skin and you wanted to try it? Even if you're a guy - it would still keep you out of trouble. Just act embarrassed that they caught you and apologize. YDI. (P.S. Busted and Mustard don't rhyme, if that's what you were trying to do. D;)

You deserved it for not inviting all of us, you little bitch.


Imawhalerider 0

mustard sex? thats a very nasty taste.

More like "Didn't you know I use mustard instead of shampoo? Especially the spicy stuff"

Couldn't you have just made up some excuse about how you read that spicy mustard is good for your skin and you wanted to try it? Even if you're a guy - it would still keep you out of trouble. Just act embarrassed that they caught you and apologize. YDI. (P.S. Busted and Mustard don't rhyme, if that's what you were trying to do. D;)

mrblonde_fml 0

roflcopter, it definitely could rhyme. I'm from Boston so I pronounce the two words exactly the same except for the first letter... it depends how you say it i guess

I've heard that putting mustard or something like that in your hair makes it silky smooth... you should have told them that.

DieInAFire 0

Bullshit. this was a thread on another site. the punch line was chicks love taco sauce (spicy mustard in this case)

..Couldn't you have made up some excuse? I know it's weird to have mustard in the shower, obviously, but I don't see how you couldn't have thought of SOMETHING that wouldn't suggest you had a party. Like you were trying to pull a prank and see if anyone would grab the mustard by mistake and not the shampoo. Lame prank/excuse? Yes, but it'd be better then getting busted for partying.

That was my thought. OP clearly deserves it for not coming up with an excuse.

Lolwut is my only response to this FML.

SomeGuy1234 0

That sounds like a hell of a party.

You deserved it for not inviting all of us, you little bitch.

Who the hell takes mustard into the bathroom?

That's the whole point of the FML. Nobody does, which is why the parents figured he had a party. I have to say, his parents don't think of their kid too highly if a party is the first thing on their mind when they find mustard in the shower. Knowing me and my family, I'd say that their first guess would be that I found a new tip online and decided to try it.