Pick up

By Slayeddd - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized that I have to block my number to get my own mother to take my phone calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 754
You deserved it 3 699

Top comments

perdix 29

You probably have to pretend to be trying to sell her a time share so she'll even talk to you at all.

Damn that sucks, but what did you do to make her hate you?


emoji, damn yous! your mom hates you. stop calling her... mom.

How long have you been a debt collector?

hbgoddard 0

What? This is worded terribly! You blocked your own number? Blocking your number from yourself somehow makes your mom take your calls that for some unexplained reason she doesn't answer? Wtf is this??

People are dumb. She has to dial it so that her number doesn't show up on her mom's phone. therefore the mom answers. I know, it's really difficult.

FailFoxtrot 0

Reworded: Today, I discovered that I have to withhold my number to get my own mother to answer my phone calls. FML

I'm adopted and neither one of my parents take my number NOR a blocked number.

Either my reading comprehension sucks, or this was worded vaguely. Just saying "block my number'" makes it seem like you blocked your own number as in blocking a number from calling you -.- bleh

Maybe if you would start listening instead of whining about your life on calls people wouldn't hate you.

The person had to dial *67 so that her mother doesn't recognize the number when their child calls, therefore they have to answer it. I don't see why everyone's so confused. The wording isn't /that/ bad.