Pick up

By Slayeddd - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized that I have to block my number to get my own mother to take my phone calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 754
You deserved it 3 699

Top comments

perdix 29

You probably have to pretend to be trying to sell her a time share so she'll even talk to you at all.

Damn that sucks, but what did you do to make her hate you?


perdix 29

You probably have to pretend to be trying to sell her a time share so she'll even talk to you at all.

Damn that sucks, but what did you do to make her hate you?

ozymandias_fml 0

Maybe if you called less often she would not feel the need to duck you.

Agreed. There's a difference between keeping in touch and clinging to someone.

I haven't actually had a phone conversation with my mother in all of about a year and three months. I've had a total of five actual conversations with her, and those were all through email. We had a blow out so she decided she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I've called her a number of times since that blow out, and I, too, have to block my number to get her to answer. Just because she has to as well doesn't mean she's some home-sick, clingy daughter that never gives her mom a moment of silence.

crzyry 6

I'd stop calling her if I were you. It seems she has no interest in talking to you, maybe you were adopted.

Ellowise_fml 0

Maybe it's time to take the hint...

You should run to her and apologise very enthusiastically about giving her a sore back and sore feet for nine months, before finally tearing her ****** in half.

OP really had to do something that her mother would filter her calls.

Wouldn't that be tearing into one and a half? Or more, I'd think...

perdix 29

Also, she should admit that the incest was a bad idea, too.

956TXking 0

wtf do you have to say you farted you  face 

Sun_Kissed18 25

I'd say sorry for whatever I did to her and then stop calling for awhile. See how that works lol. But if you didn't do anything then sorry for having an indifferent mother :(