Pipe down, Pam

By goshoveafuckingfrappuccinoupyourvagyoupsychocunt - 07/09/2013 21:43 - United States - Midlothian

Today, a customer kept harassing me and threatening to sue me for all I'm worth because I wouldn't give her a free refill. Her reasoning was that it's "illegal" to deny people a free refill if there's still a little drink left in the cup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 214
You deserved it 3 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolita88_fml 27

Ignore her and move on. There is no case there so let her sue, she'll be laughed out of the courtroom and hopefully fined for wasting time.


rawrjuju 5

Should of told her you were gonna call the police because she was disrupting the flow of business and you feel threaten.

jsc9306 14

Gotta love doing customer service jobs. Ugh.

Fill her up Scotty, or face the wrath of Darfmanager!

Gingerette 8

I don't understand that crap; I have never been to a place where "fancy" coffee is sold, and free refills on said coffee were offered.

Goblin182 26

I wonder if my local bar knows about this rule.

thejimler 9

Can we make a law for immediate sterilization and barring from higher employment if you are found guilty of trying to sue for indefensibly stupid reasons?

The customer is always right...except when they're wrong (as in this case), there's no law or policy I've ever heard of to validate what she claimed..if in doubt, call the manager to set her straight (make sure you talk to the mgr privately about it before sending them to talk to her though)

Love the username! And I'm sorry, OP - customer service just sucks.

I love when people make up shit. Although that's absolutely pathetic. I hope you didn't give her a refill. Maybe to shut her up and not cause a scene, although what she did sounds ridiculous enough.. Sorry you got crazy people like that to deal with.