Please don't do this

By Anonymous - 17/03/2010 15:38 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend of five and a half years to family dinner at a restaurant. After we all had finished dessert, I got down on one knee, pulled out my great grandmother's ring and proposed. The entire restaurant was dead silent. She looked around and then slowly walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 126
You deserved it 6 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

susieKiute 0

Wow I'm so sorry. Have you gotten an explanation? You'd think after 5 1/2 years she'd shout YES.


chemqueen20 0

I agree, most people only wait a couple months nowadays to get married. 5 1/2 yrs of dating (which dating is the begining stage of picking someone to possibly marry) and she never considered your thoughts on marriage or expected you to do something like that? she was probably really nervous or had someone else 80% of the time and was just using you o.O

I am SO sorry OP. I would have leaped into your arms and said "of course!" after 5 1/2 years! I'm still waiting on my boyfriend of 6 1/2 years and I really wouldn't care if it was at the OG or McDs I would have said yes all the same. again so sorry OP :(

How much longer are YOU planning to wait for him to make up his mind about you?

well, he's got a year left of nursing school. I mentioned it once and he said "it's my job and it's also the one thing I get to do and have control over. I'll propose when it's ideally perfect." he hasn't mentioned it again in a year HA.

shawty_22 0

umm... y did u post this on fml? does ppl aqreeinq with u that ur life sux make u feel better?

46, you chose the absolute worst site to post that on - you have an account, which means you're supposed to know what the website is about. Clearly, there's some subtlety about it. Is it the massive banner at the top of the site?

So, ignorance... Are you really bliss? I have always wanted to know that.

@56: What is ignorant is your spelling, you uneducated dumb-ass.

@97 I don't really see anything wrong with her spelling (saving her sarcastic example sentence of course). Although I could have missed something, I am not the worlds best speller myself. However I think it is more likely that you in fact missed her point.

Why does anyone post on FML? Who knows? Who cares? In the end it amuses the masses and maybe they feel a little better for putting it out there. Like therapy, they say the most important part of therapy is just being able to get the issue off your chest. For some it may be that they have a great sense of humor and are able to laugh at their own misfortune along with the rest of us.

five and a half years is a long time to make a girl wait

956TXking 0

follow her and then beat the shit out of her and then tell her to make you tacos instead of the overrated sammich..

Rhode Island huh? Maybe you shouldn't have proposed at Wright's Farm... @43: stop waiting and ask him yourself.

perdix 29

Dumb ass! Why did you try to buy the cow when she was happy to give you free milk for 5-1/2 years? Don't you know when you've got it good?

alex_vik 0

Everyone was probably silent due to you being gay.

If I was a member of your family, you could be damn sure I would burst out laughing at you.