
By Anonymous - 19/07/2024 13:00 - United States - Bakersfield

Today, I was simply trying to fix my skateboard wheels with my pocket knife. The tip suddenly broke off, leaving me horrified. It was my favorite knife, which I inherited from my dad who abandoned me when I was 4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 326
You deserved it 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

first try contacting the company they may have replacement blades, you can also try finding a blade Smith in your area they may be able to resharpen and reshape the blade if too much of the tip is not missing.

Wadlaen 23

It's possible to replace the blade on some pocket knives, you should check if that's possible with your knife.


Wadlaen 23

It's possible to replace the blade on some pocket knives, you should check if that's possible with your knife.

first try contacting the company they may have replacement blades, you can also try finding a blade Smith in your area they may be able to resharpen and reshape the blade if too much of the tip is not missing.

He abandoned you, why are you cherishing it?