Second guessing

By Anonymous - 19/07/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, I realized how toxic and controlling my wife is. She left to go on a vacation, and I'm so used to her micromanaging everything I do that I'm completely unable to function. I tried to play a video game and had a panic attack because I imagined her walking in and screaming at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 707
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is so much sad here. 1) micromanagement wife. 2) vacations apart, 3) fear of verbal abuse even when she is away. Seriously, and I don't say this often, Go get some professional help both together and apart. I really hope you two seek help and can make your lives better.

angeleyes0724 10

While Thayloks advice is sound, it also speaks on societal norms. If the script were flipped and a woman posted this I'm 100% sure the advice would NOT be get counseling, it would be "girl that's enough red flags to start a circus, RUN while you can." 🤔 Men don't deserve abuse (of any kind) either. Noone does.


There is so much sad here. 1) micromanagement wife. 2) vacations apart, 3) fear of verbal abuse even when she is away. Seriously, and I don't say this often, Go get some professional help both together and apart. I really hope you two seek help and can make your lives better.

angeleyes0724 10

While Thayloks advice is sound, it also speaks on societal norms. If the script were flipped and a woman posted this I'm 100% sure the advice would NOT be get counseling, it would be "girl that's enough red flags to start a circus, RUN while you can." 🤔 Men don't deserve abuse (of any kind) either. Noone does.

I was just about to say "Get out of there ASAP and seek counselling" too. I'm pretty sure the therapist will give OP some homework such as "Cook yourself some dinner, then reward yourself with praise and a toy".

I actually hope the therapist would make ut clear they should splut up, as a professional guided thought. They each need individual help for sure.

Its curious that people like this make it to the marriage stage of a relationship. Feels like the type of behavior that wouldn't get you past the 1st date. She must be really pretty...

Honestly, if she is negativly influencing your life that badly, get rid of her. If she is honestly that bad, I don't think any sort of professional help is gonna help that problem.