Precious little boy
By stupid older sister - 24/07/2014 21:54 - United States - Saint Charles
By stupid older sister - 24/07/2014 21:54 - United States - Saint Charles
By Sky_Flower - 17/11/2023 22:00
By lebowski - 28/11/2010 01:57 - United States
By fmlforreal - 15/10/2010 08:33 - Singapore
By lexiibabe - 25/06/2019 18:30 - United States - Attleboro
By frustrated - 05/08/2009 20:30 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 22/08/2013 04:48 - United States - Las Vegas
By somerandomchick - 31/03/2009 05:32 - United States
By Scapegoat - 17/11/2018 13:30
By Got_any_grapes1 - 11/04/2011 17:23 - United States
By unknown - 26/02/2012 13:53 - United States
That sucks, op. But, you kind of deserve it for not having a pass code on that thing (and only let others on with your supervision). That is like the #1 rule of keeping your stuff safe. Still, that must've been really annoying. Next time you take a trip, back up pictures IMMEDIATELY (or at least before you let anyone else on).
Somewhat. But while he may change background photo, put rude websites on the browser, open an annoying YouTube video etc, my brother wouldn't delete my photos. I don't think many would.
100% agree. morons downvoting you
How do you know that the phone doesn't have a passcode? I alternate between 3 number passcodes, and 3 pattern passcodes. However, my little brother has known me for the 18 years he's been alive, and because of that, he tends to know what passcodes me, my older brother, and my parents use. Just like the rest of us know what passcodes he, and everyone else in our family, uses as well.
#11 Not just for not having a pass code for the phone. How did his brother also know his password for downloading from the AppStore (or equivalent for android)?
On Android, a password is optional for paid for games. But there's a ton of app supported, I'm not even sure password protection is an option to stop all downloads.
Sell his gaming system and when your mom yells at you tell her you're too old to give a shit
I'm sorry op that really sucks maybe you could try something to back up your pics next time...
This reminds me so much of my brother who is the same age as your's. He does the most retarded and vile shit everyday but gets away with it for the exact same reason. Just this year he killed my three fish by over feeding them (when he had no permission to go into my bedroom in the first place) and didn't tell anyone. He poured the entire container of fish food into the bowl and acted shocked when he found out they didn't eat that much everyday.
You should have put them on your cloud
Who said it was an iPhone? There are other types of phones you can take pictures and play games on, you know. Like, all of them.
That is so infuriating to read. I absolutely hate it when some people have no respect for other people's privacy/content and end up doing something disastrous as a result of that disrespectful indifference. Sorry that happened, OP. I empathize with you. Your mom is also an ignorant idiot for not punishing the little whelp >:(
And photos of Europe.
Brothers...... What could you do with out em. :-)
Have 500 pictures of Europe.
Why did this get dislikes?
You could nap peacefully without worrying about your password less phone, for one.
Delete any video game save files he has every 2 weeks. That means anything. If he has Call of Duty, reset his progress in multiplayer.
This is evil. I approve. Appropriate revenge is appropriate.
What a dick, wait till he goes on a trip and takes pictures then take your revenge.
Yikes. Maybe see if there's any sort of recovery software for phones? Should back up ASAP (phones can corrupt and lose things) and lock your phone in future.