
By Son of a Bitch - 01/08/2015 17:17 - United States

Today, an hour into a family road trip, my mother informed me that she didn't put my suitcase in the car because it "didn't fit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 870
You deserved it 2 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hobbs96 26

Now you have an excuse to go on a shopping spree!

Scubanaut 13

Sounds like she's a real problem solver..


What is wrong with her with my family when we were younger we hold our suitcases if there was no room in the trunk

same with mine. you find space or you make space.

What was in the car that was not needed? Probably a few things...

She reminds me of my mother. Total disregard for other peoples' interests and emotions, and no concern whatsoever about the consequences of her own actions. In her case, it was part of a mental disorder. I know it's though now, but as soon as you're old enough, you can leave the house. You are not obliged to accept this BS.

Doesn't mean the children will show up to the nursing home or hospital if she keeps pulling stunts like this.

jezka374 15

And that is called selfish parenting. Her stuff was obviously more important than her kids... Sorry OP

dragoongirl90 34

Wow, your mom failed at not only being a parent but also at life.

It shouldn't be the mothers responsibility to make sure everything was in there. Unless op is younger in age she should have AT LEAST chrcked

Wait couldn't you just have put it on your legs?

WTF! Next stop throw all of theirs out.

"there's no room because your ass is so FAT mom!"