
By Son of a Bitch - 01/08/2015 17:17 - United States

Today, an hour into a family road trip, my mother informed me that she didn't put my suitcase in the car because it "didn't fit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 870
You deserved it 2 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hobbs96 26

Now you have an excuse to go on a shopping spree!

Scubanaut 13

Sounds like she's a real problem solver..


chrisbeaudoin 26

Good name to go with this fml.

and it's not likely he called her a bitch immediately before she left the luggage... which WAS a bitch move, mom or not.

Yes that sucks but why didn't you check it yourself? Take responsibility for your own stuff. You're clearly old enough. It would be different if you HAD put it in the car yourself and she removed it.

Your mom is a bitch. Make her buy all new clothes.

1dvs_bstd 41

Then on the way back from the trip drop your mothers suitcase in the hotel or whatever your staying in then when u get home tell her it didn't fit in he car

KimiE1994 2

Bro that's ****** up. Next time if you guys go on a trip throw her stuff out the window.

Why did you expect your mom to load your suitcase?