By FuckThis - 31/08/2015 13:16 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

By FuckThis - 31/08/2015 13:16 - United Kingdom - Cardiff
By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 05:20 - United States
By Recluse - 21/11/2014 18:18
By FML - 02/02/2009 18:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/01/2016 17:11 - United States - Minneapolis
By Anonymous - 25/10/2012 05:45 - United States
By gircos - 30/04/2014 00:10 - United States - Westerly
By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 00:13 - United States
By tman - 14/10/2010 08:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/11/2019 18:00
By Anonymous - 05/10/2021 05:00
I hate to be one of THOSE FML commenters, but I think it's time to dump her
So this type of thing is a deal breaker now? Maybe she didn't love the other guy either and just enjoys what she does. I mean if he didn't ask before the other guy...
#33 have you always been that stupid or is there some kind of special school?
#33 yeah, I mean as long as she doesn't love the other guy, it's okay to blow other dude's dicks because she enjoys it. Just like it's okay to steal money, as long as you only do it because you enjoy stealing, and not because you want the money...... oh wait, that's not okay, that's ******* stupid.
I would like to know the status of the relationship before passing full judgement. Were they exclusive? Were they casually dating? Casually hooking up? And what time frame are we looking at? I've been "seeing" a guy for five months now, and finally told him last week that I don't want to see anyone else and don't want him to see anyone else. You have to be clear about these things. The dating world can be so ambiguous.
#34 I'd watch what you say / type. You may not have meant it, but your post came off as insulting people with special needs. Many people with special needs are as intelligent, feeling, and emotions the same as 'normal' people. We just express our thoughts+feelings differently, and need help to get through the day.
FML is not to be taken so seriously. Lots of people here are easily offended. Very childish in my opinion...
Okay irrelevant I'm sorry but #34 i like your profile picture
#48 how on earth did that come across as offensive to people with special needs? She called him stupid. Tbh if anything I would think connecting the word 'Stupid' with 'Special school' and automatically thinking of disabled/special needs kids is more offensive.
Was kinda the point of the post. It's all pretty vague and she could be some random person at work or something that he's decided he's in love with. She could already be dating said other guy. She's not a possession. With only at best half the info it's amazing how many people make up the other half and it's gospel.. and I'm the stupid one
Tell her you hope she chokes on it
I'm guessing she already did..
I'm sure the other guy hopes for that too.
all the comments from this section had me dying
Better yet, ask her for one last romp and choke her with your own
choking on **** isn't a bad thing.
At least she was honest. Sorry OP. Hope everything works out!!
the act of cheating in itself is not honest at all.
I find it retarded that this comment is buried
this is when you tell her you don't date hoes, dump her, and never look back
leave her if you haven't already. it'll never change
Seems she has some commitment issues ... I hope she didn't kiss you after that ...
I would go as far as to say sucks and blows at the same time
Tell her you hope she chokes on it
I hate to be one of THOSE FML commenters, but I think it's time to dump her