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Proud dad

By Sandra - 21/01/2021 11:01

Today, my husband, who is proud of his 155 IQ, is depressed our son is becoming a typical football jock with an IQ only just into the triple digits. He even thinks I must have had an affair, because no way could someone as smart as him have produced such a blockhead with tattoos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 340
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For an IQ of 155, your husband doesn't sound very smart lol. Just goes to show IQ doesn't mean shit

I'd re-check his IQ score. If he thinks tattoos are hereditary, he's a dumb-ass!


Warp1978 15

My father has two doctorates, my mother is a teacher with an Ba and MA in English. I'm as average as they come you know, debt tattoos three kids ect ect.

For an IQ of 155, your husband doesn't sound very smart lol. Just goes to show IQ doesn't mean shit

coius 23

I know! Mine dropped and I can still do my job. Even get paid well! I suggest this man retake a biology course. He must’ve forgotten how genetics work.

tounces7 27

Intelligence usually is genetic, so who's the real father? Mailman? Garbageman? Lol.

I'd re-check his IQ score. If he thinks tattoos are hereditary, he's a dumb-ass!

Kraths 16

I played sports in school and I have an IQ around 160, so I fail to see how being a jock automatically equals being a blockhead. I have a couple of friends who also played on the team that had IQs around the mid to high 130s. All of us did football, basketball, wrestling, track and field in addition to the science fair, STEM club, robotics club, woodshop, and several smaller clubs. Playing a sport doesn't automatically make you stupid, granted it can cause head injuries which themselves can cause other problems. It boils down to a person's genes, which both parents contribute to, and their environment.

how many of your friends took hours long iq tests? also odd that so many people who are in the top 2% and .1% of humanity are in such close proximity. anyway, being in sports (minus head injury) does nothing but support intelligence. I encourages spacial awareness, timing, good hormone release, other forms of cognitive development and reduces stress. the argument shouldn't even be about if it's bad or not, but the extent of good it does. lastly a high IQ doesn't mean you're automatically smart or good at school. it's correlated to academic success it doesn't cause it.

eveighe 1

Sounds like he wasted his "intelligence"

Instead of stirring up pointless drama with his wife, why doesn't he get a DNA test? Not very bright.

jillylilly 5

First of all, Intelligenz is passed by the mother, not the father. Second of all is the IQ just a test. With training you get better, with emotional distraction you get worse. You can do it every year and you will get different numbers.

intelligence* and that false there no proof that it's from the mother

1) anyone proud of their IQ score is an @$$hole. I'm sorry your husband is apparently one. (In fairness we are all @$$holes about something, sometime.) 2) triple digits is normal and healthy 3) if he his half as smart as he thinks he is then he should appreciate that it is not at all clear how much of intelligence is actually hereditary. 4) IQ is not intelligence. It is a proxy we generally accept as an indicator of intelligence. IQ essentially measures mathematical and verbal reasoning, which is important especially in school but, for example, doesn't cover managing not looking like a petty tw@t towards one's wife and son.

99% of people who tell you their IQ do not have that IQ