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Public freakout

By Anonymous - 28/09/2021 23:00

Today, we live in a world where 10 people on a bus will ignore a man slapping his wife so hard, she falls out of her seat, yet when that same man has a coughing fit, the same 10 people all get mad at him for not wearing a mask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 250
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Which one were you? The slapper, the slappee or one of the 10 apathetic *****?

Exactly the point why this is ****** up. People don't react to evil if it doesn't affect them.


Well, beating his wife is between the two of them, but spreading a deadly pathogen affects everyone.

Exactly the point why this is ****** up. People don't react to evil if it doesn't affect them.

Which one were you? The slapper, the slappee or one of the 10 apathetic *****?

I'mmessedup 5

It seems obvious to me which one it was, and it’s not good.

Never interfere in domestic violence. If you interfere a figthing couple, you can almost be sure they BOTH will turn against you. And when cops are involved, the woman will state that you attacked them out of nowhere. It happens all the time, look it up, the internet is full of examples of this.

Did you actually witness this or is it just a story you imagined to justify being an anti-masker?

Warp1978 15

I got involved with somthing like that when I was coming back from work years ago and the woman defened his actions (he punched her in the stomach) then they both kicked the shit out of me for interfering... Don't get involved its not worth the trouble.