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By Anonymous - 23/08/2012 16:14 - United States - Clarksburg

Today, while on the bus, I took out my breath spray. The elderly lady beside me thought it was pepper spray. She panicked and started screaming, which culminated in the man near her punching me in the jaw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 767
You deserved it 1 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psych101 9

Even if she did think it was pepper spray, why would she scream? It's not like a knife or a gun, you can't hijack a bus with it...

Later, that lady caused a bomb panic when someone took out a pack of gum, then when a man was eating a banana, she apparently stopped him from shooting himself, and finally, she knocked a knife out of a child eating a popsicle.


theHIGHroad2 5

I guess it was one of those days you wish you'd have stayed home.

Later, that lady caused a bomb panic when someone took out a pack of gum, then when a man was eating a banana, she apparently stopped him from shooting himself, and finally, she knocked a knife out of a child eating a popsicle.

Redoxx_fml 22

Yeah, was she on the plane with Harold and Kumar?

The level of stupidity of this lady ... Is too damn high!!!

People are paranoid over everything my college campus went into lockdown because someone said they saw a student with a gun when it was actually an open umbrella; so when there's stupidity there's.....

There was a threat at my university about a guy walking around with a gun. It was the seat from his bike (bike seats are often stolen, or sometimes the lock is cut and the entire bicycle is stolen, but people don't steal bikes that are seatless).

The man must have been dumb as well for believing an old person. When you deal with an old person, please confirm it before taking action.

Didn't she realize op was putting it in his mouth

FlamingTacos 7

I always love eating pepper spray.

musicluvr2000 11

Why do am I not surprised? Oh, yeah, it might have something to do with your picture.

MichellinMan 20

^ *grammar Nazis rush in punching you in the face*

I thought there comment was funny... *Hides under rock*

Llama_Face89 33

Why is this being thumbed down? It was plainly sarcasm.

dylanmellark101 5

Ummmm u should get some help

I thought this was funny, I don't know why everyone's making a big deal out of it lol

I voted it down simply because I didn't think it was funny. o_O

Psych101 9

Even if she did think it was pepper spray, why would she scream? It's not like a knife or a gun, you can't hijack a bus with it...

She probably thought OP was going to spray her...

Psych101 9

I guess it didn't make sense to me, because if he was going to spray to her, then everyone on the bus would have seen and defended her. But I guess it would be hard for her to be logical in the moment. Thanks for explaining.

Bro, if the TSA think you can hijack a plane with nail clippers, I think I can hijack a bug with pepper spray...

Psych101 9

28- I would pay to see you hijack a bug. But I know you mean bus. I just think it would be hard for OP to hold up the pepper spray and be all "Stay back! I'll shoot!"

purplemnm 9

Man, I'd like to see someone hijack an airplane with nothing but toenail clippers.


40- it would actually be really easy

It sounds silly but pepper spray does hurt pretty bad...

17: Many older people aren't logical. They assume people are always out to get them... except for the ones that are there to help them (as in the kind folks who request thousands of dollars to help 'feed their starving children' and other scammers).

At least the man who punched you helped the old lady. See, there is still faith in humanity.

Faith that if someone gives an indication of fear then the person closest to them will be attacked without hesitation? Great...

Mmm...pepper spray is just so flavorful! It leaves your breath nice and spicy. But I don't understand why a scream from an old lady would make a guy punch OP in the jaw.

morganrules123 10

The guy probably thought OP was hurting the old lady

ChrisTheCalm 9

So his first thought was using violent force? Why not ******* communicate first, that's why we have mouths.

DollyDope 17

Thinking and communicating before punching people, hahaha. hilarious!

Yeah but if I thought a guy was hurting an old lady I wouldn't stop to ask him about it, I would actually try to help her. But the guy should have been able to see he was just usin breath spray...

morganrules123 10

I wasn't excusing it, I was just saying his reason.

32- Oohhh I thought mouths were for punching....

oj101 33

This is why the US need better gun laws..

Trisha_aus 15
DarkHelmet 10

Punch that asshole back and spray that breath spray in her mouth

Minty flavored pepper spray: Rids perverts and their bad breathe!

jenniiienyc 5

Talk about an overreaction. Sheesh.