Puppy Cheats at Golf By FML Approved - 31/08/2017 03:00 You can't stay mad at that face for too long! I agree, your life sucks 581 You deserved it 144 Share Tweet Share
Today, I was in a training about the newest changes in CPR. The trainer was discussing chest compression techniques and said she prefers "good, fast, hard pumping." I was the only one who snickered out loud, drawing several annoyed looks from the other trainees. I'm a 45-year-old doctor. FML I agree, your life sucks 42 912 You deserved it 20 606
Today, I took my hoodie off in public and my shirt accidentally lifted up with it. I've had bad skin problems since I was 12 or 13, and my chest looks horrific as a result. Everyone in my vicinity reacted with horror and called me all sorts of awful names. Nice to know that my appearance makes me that repulsive. FML I agree, your life sucks 640 You deserved it 113
Today, I got a call from my mom's new husband. It lasted 3 minutes and those 3 minutes were of him telling me how sad I make my mom for just existing, how jealous I make her because I'm living a life she wished she was. Turns out, she told him to call me and say that because I have her blocked. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 370 You deserved it 113
Today, a man approached my delivery van and asked for change for a $5 bill. I guess I should've expected him to grab the change and run off with the extra money. FML I agree, your life sucks 32 722 You deserved it 6 650
Today, after my annoying neighbor who used to spend hours playing the cello in the apartment below me finally moved out, I found out that I have a new musical neighbor moving in. This fellow plays the bagpipes. FML I agree, your life sucks 26 348 You deserved it 2 914
Today, my four-year-old son received a 20 Euro bill from his grandmother. Since he couldn't fit the bill into his piggy bank, he tore it up into a bunch of tiny pieces to make it fit. FML I agree, your life sucks 4 552 You deserved it 596
Today, I got fired from my part-time job, because I insisted on keeping my phone in my pocket and never using it, instead of putting it in locker without a lock or security camera, that anyone can go through. The manager found out by searching my locker for the past 3 weeks. Ironic. FML I agree, your life sucks 28 540 You deserved it 2 390
Today, my boyfriend and I were play-wrestling on the bed, when he started to tickle me. I tried to pull away but he pushed me back down. I ended up hitting my eye on the corner of the nightstand. His comment was "this is why you shouldn't struggle." FML I agree, your life sucks 33 021 You deserved it 7 776
I remember seeing this on Reddit not to long ago. But look how happy the puppy is!
How is this an FML? Cute nonetheless