By anonymous - 11/08/2010 19:19 - Canada
Same thing different taste
Doom Metal will do that to you
By Meg93 - 26/06/2019 23:00
Rock n roll
By ~Mr.Void - 09/10/2010 03:12 - United States
By epicfail - 02/08/2009 08:39 - United States
Thanks for the memories
By savanna - 03/05/2012 04:46 - United States
How could you?
By passedoutpolly - 01/08/2009 02:35 - United States
By lekijkerd - 17/11/2012 13:56 - Netherlands - Leusden
By anonymous - 13/06/2012 16:58 - United States - Mundelein
By Anonymous - 17/02/2014 17:43 - United States - Freeport
Rock n roll!
By Anonymous - 09/10/2024 00:00 - Australia
Fuzzy memory
By Kreen - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff
Top comments
what artist did u go see?
yeah... fyl
i like your pussy's eyes oboewhore
This is kinda stupid. Why'd you pass out? Wow.
agreed :)
At least you had fun..
Sorry, OP. That does suck. :-(
it's alright. :) I mean I always miss out on things
Its funny because you never enjoyed yourself
it's it's funny because u went to a Justin beiber concert and had beiber fever and passed out. u shouldn't have made Justin beiber nice and moist. TAKE THAT LEGONUT!
So? You can't blame them. If they haven't been to a concert... Then they HAVEN'T been to a concert. So how WOULD they know. Mk. Bye
Stop being an English teacher. You look like you're about 13, finish middle school and then try to correct people, mkay? And if you reply, sorry but I don't spend my time on the comments section of FML so I won't be checking to continue this argument. :( P.S. Don't say "look at my profile retard, it shows my age." Anyone can lie. KTHX!
49- sorry but I was definitely in front of you
Who are you talking to? ^^
I'm gonna assume it was a scorpions concert, because they played Edmonton yesterday and some bitch got knocked out or something
59: no need to be a grammar Nazi, I was typing really fast and didn't notice it ;P legonut4: to bad ur comment sucked to much ;P and wasn't even funny
You went to Paramore, #60? The ****? How are you still alive? You would do well in a torture camp.
49 - he beat you. its getting lame seeing all these people trying to copy legonut. hes the original, and all you copy we just look at yall as losers. but not as much as a loser as skroal.
overexcited maybe? or moshing?
Damn comment bug. I just know that the disappearing comment is going to reappear any second now that I'm retyping it. Repeating the same line an uncountable amount of times is not music. I got a headache while listening to "The Only Exception."
Shoodnt drink. HAHAHAHAHA. hehe
59 you make very angry with all your corrections, you look like you could run some proper brains.
77:but the real legonut would name is legonut the guy "legonut4" is a fake if u can't tell the real legonut would say at the end "nice and moist" and btw there is no copyright on that so any1 can say it it's not one persons joke.
paramores awesome!!!
hahaa okay.
I left you a comment way up there. It went on the wrong thing..
humm... 2 songs in... had to be some YDI combo of not eating/alcohol/drugs. the fml is really for your friend who had to miss the concert since you're an idiot.
115: no1 cares about there spelling, OH SPELLING BIG WHOOP WHO CARES.
Chocolate for breakfast is wrong.
Everyone knows that Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the best.
you could always piss in the apple juice. no one can tell the difference, right? |the kid|
you must have been a drunken maniac! oooooooooooooooooooo o.0
101: OP could've easily been at an all-day festival, or had to wait in line for awhile if the concert was free or had open seating. Those could cause dehydration or heat stroke. toxxi: Why the new account? In re cereal: Cap'n Crunchberries FTMFW.
he was probably nice and moist
u should have a threesome
i don't like beber but ur lookin' goof
What's wrong with peanut butter?
Well now that I've read some comments, ya I guess I can understand concerts are orgies of heat.
HOORAY for Alberta Canada!!
Naw it's not bad, tho reeses themselves are better then the cereal
120- Who cares that you care? I don't.
217- Wow, can't you be a little more creative? Oh, wait, you're a little 13 year old girl who has no ideas of her own. Have a great night! :)
Cates500: you are smokin hot dude. well kinda
that can happen when you smoke dope. its legal in canada right ? this happened to that asian guy on revenge of the nerds part 1. oh no booger i feel nothing.
Ah, silly me. I suppose that I supposed that anyone who's been around FML long enough to know Toxi's reputation and want to imitate it, would also be aware that doing so is likely to invoke the full measure of her not-inconsiderable sharp-tongued wrath, and therefore said potential imitator would not dare to discover the depths of those hideously dire consequences. :} I guess our imposticunt has more guts than brains.
BTW, my app isn't loading dps today, and I had to up the meds. So if imposticunt is very obviously an imitator, please forgive my lack of discernment. :]
that seems so unoriginal,
Jonas Brothers strike again!
dope is not legal under usa federal law. in oakland its legal per county and city law. look up marijuana inc cnbc on google. great 1 hour webcast about dope. forbes magazine has a great articile about dope in canada. i think you have to sell what you grow to the cad govt.
very intelligent name #3 /sarcasm
idt ur cool enough
That's happened to me once. The only thing is, my friends left me there. I managed to regain consciousness after some drunk girl kicked me and spilled her beer on my face. This was, of course, before I knew about FML.
it all depends WHY op passed out...drunk or heat, sick, etc...
26 = legend
aww srry to hear dat :(
ahh that's terrible
Holy shit..I'm sorry. that really sucks):
I got kicked in the head by a crowd-surfer and passed out one time. I woke up with them dragging me, shirt raised up, and my shoes were gone.
52 what concert?
How embarrassing!! Wow!!
Let's see. OP is a woman. OP was hit in the head. Nice try, Justine Beaver. Crazy, self-addicted freak of nature.
Did you just randomly pass out or were you under any influence? either way fyl.
Awww, that's a bitch, op!! fyl

Very intelligent comment number one. -.-
*No one *Their :] I CARE!