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By Beestings - 24/03/2013 05:14 - United States

Today, I was complaining to my husband about a busty but vapid celebrity, and he replied, "She doesn't need brains, honey, she has boobs. You wouldn't understand." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 464
You deserved it 6 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side...he's implying that you have brains. And it's better to base a relationship on brains that are compatible, than it is to be with someone solely because they have big jugs.

That wouldn't be a very original response.


ouch, fyl op, tell your husband he should understand to with his tiny package

FYI, #1, you should really understand how to write properly before you criticise others.

@101 i don't care, I spell how I spell, if u dont like it, go suck a lemon

criticize* Sorry, but you were asking for it

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That wouldn't be a very original response.

I'm 100% sure boobs are not on the same level as genetalia. And most male actors aren't pornstars.

Ultimate_No 7

I don't think many celebrities go around making their penis size common knowledge..

The point is, if OP's hubby ever gripes about a celebrity, she can point out that as hot as he is, he doesn't need brains. Sadly, that's not true. Women like both. Men prefer beauty to brains because they see better than they think. Not to mention that although they were blessed with a brain and a penis, they don't have enough blood to run both simultaneously.

#64 moderated... Ouch never seen this before

In some cases, men like that ruin society. Maybe you should talk to him.

Woah now, #3, that is quite the generalization. How do you know he wasn't just joking?

In a lot of cases anyone can ruin society. What exactly was your point?

Maybe the husband was making commentary about society.

Here's one for you: the husband is saying she is less attractive, but additionally the implication could be that she was intelligent (basically opposite to the celebrity). So, by the wife taking it as an insult more than a compliment, regardless of how it was meant, that means she is placing beauty over brains. So the way I see it, she is "ruining society" just as much as he is.

On the bright side...he's implying that you have brains. And it's better to base a relationship on brains that are compatible, than it is to be with someone solely because they have big jugs.

Yeah, I'd tell my husband, "yeah, I can get implants, but you can't fix stupid!" Lol.

mrperspire 4

So OP is mad that her husband said she had brains and no boobs. I thought women wanted to be known for their brains and personality now. Not their bodies?

what is 'busty' and what's 'vapid'? I don't understand.

basically shes saying this celebrity had big **** and not very smart

Use a dictionary. Or google. It's not that hard.

Someone's getting a dictionary for Christmas...

Ooh dictionary! Can't wait! Only... oh, wait..9 months to go. :'(

RocketNinjaFish 12

Vapid means she's dull basically. I only know that because of a previous FML ;)

(21)The more you know. *star flys across screen*

guccimama 2

you should defiantly not being letting him have any contact with your boobs just so.he understands

Yes OP, do it defiantly. Maybe you will feel better afterwards.

"defiantly not being" Error 404, sense not made.

Being letting -dumbass radar going off.

#47, If I could thumb up your comment 10 times, I would. Got me giggling.

Unfortunately he's right about one thing. If a girls got good breasts - all bets are off. However total dick move bringing you down like that.

So you're effectively saying that most of the FML userbase is small minded!

The full saying includes "average minds discuss events". I'd put FML in that territory.

Clearly, OP, hubby was thinking with his penile brain in that response.... Be the bigger person, let it pass, but let him know that was an insensitive and hurtful thing to say,,,make it a teaching moment and maybe he can rise above his douche nozzle dickish self! Good luck!

Bahahhaha, "douche nozzle" thanks for teaching me a new swear!

Glad to help! Vocabulary building on a Sunday morning!! Use it in good health!!