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By Anonymous - 18/05/2022 12:00

Today, my nana died today of a heart attack in her sleep. I’ll never know if there was something I could have done, because while it was happening I was upstairs with a dildo, as it’s been a month since I had sex and I had the urge. I feel so selfish and ashamed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 563
You deserved it 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel bad. You could have been in the same room as her and not known. Even if you were there as her carer you can't be expected to sit and watch her 24/7. You did what you could, when you could, and that's enough.

My ex lost her stepdad many years ago the same way. Most of the time, either they make it or they don’t; you could have been right there and almost certainly wouldn’t be able to change the outcome.


Don't feel bad. You could have been in the same room as her and not known. Even if you were there as her carer you can't be expected to sit and watch her 24/7. You did what you could, when you could, and that's enough.

Yeah, you could have lent her the ***** and let her go out with a bang. No, but seriously, you most likely could not have changed her fate even if you were a heart surgeon. are a card.... LOL....but you are right....OP shouldn't beat themselves up.

My ex lost her stepdad many years ago the same way. Most of the time, either they make it or they don’t; you could have been right there and almost certainly wouldn’t be able to change the outcome.

And no one should feel that masturbation kills your older relatives. That's just coincidence, I suppose.

there was nothing you could have done. she was asleep, most likely you could have been sitting right beside her and have had no idea. it is unfortunate timing, but even if you were her full time carer you need, and are entitled to, a few minutes of alone time.

kitten79TX 5

Pleaae see a grief counselor. You didn't do anything wrong, and there likely wasn't anything you could have done.

wrenavery90 12

She died in her sleep. What could you possibly have done?

There is nothing you could have done. Don’t let it drag you down

ciph3r 10

It is not your fault so do not feel bad. She went in her sleep. When it is your time, it is your time. Now, if she had the heart attack when she caught you with the *****, that is a different story…

ciph3r 10

It is not your fault so do not feel bad. She went in her sleep. When it is your time, it is your time. Now, if she had the heart attack when she caught you with the *****, that is a different story…

Babes, you are NOT guilty in this scenario. I know there's nothing any of us can say to take that feeling away, but factually, you're not. Heart Attacks can happen so suddenly, and 9/10 times there's nothing you can do but hope they come out of it okay. Regardless though, I'm so sorry for your loss and what you're going through. I lost my grandma 7 years ago, extremely suddenly. The pain doesn't go away. But every day, it gets a little easier to handle. Keeping their memory alive helps