By shygurl434 - 15/03/2010 09:14 - United States

By shygurl434 - 15/03/2010 09:14 - United States
By taman - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 11/01/2010 18:08 - United States
By HappilyNeverAfter - 18/09/2014 03:14 - Canada - Port Perry
By ordinaryday - 22/05/2012 12:21 - Canada - Edmonton
By luckygirl - 14/12/2009 09:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/01/2010 16:19 - United States
By not impressed - 09/10/2015 18:27 - Canada - Nanaimo
By ohwell - 09/06/2009 21:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/01/2011 05:29 - Canada
By Dana - 10/05/2011 08:36 - Netherlands
thats a good thing
And? Just ask how big his ding-dong is, and then you'll be even.
say nice clit and be done with it
Clit??? did u just say clit??? IT A DUDE THAT "COMPLIMENTED" HER. WHY WOULD YOU SAY "Nice clit"???
complemented* (Dont u hate the anit-flood crap)
Yea. The guy could of said it more respectful though. Like for example, "Hey you have an amazing body....I would love to see you naked" =D
13 BIG fail us guys don't have clits retard
it was supposed to be a comeback, fools!
is this the first fml from preschool?
He must have been having a crappy day and it just slipped out...
Applesuckers FTW. It's sad that so many people on this site are so damn SLOW.
Actually, 14 and 15 you're both wrong. Guys do technically have "clits." I say this because the muscle that makes up the "clit" in the female is the same exact muscle in males in our penis that absorbs blood to allow us to have an erection. Be a little more edumacated please. :) Have a nice day!
I would love to see a Hallmark card that says "nice pooper"
you should take that as a compliment!
Holy crap, they don't?!
xundria, you kick ass. Bio that Bitch!
technically guys do have a clit. male and female bodies are the same early on in the womb, and later form. clit turns into a penis for males, and ovaries descend and become testicles as the bodies change. hence why the ******** gets harder when aroused. it's like a mini wiener with an erection essentially.
today the guy I like complemented me. fml I don't think so op
evryone hating on #13 they aren't retarded it's a joke so shut up
@94: You don't seem to be so intelligent. Do a little research on the human anatomy before trying to seem like you are. The "********" is made up of the same muscle that in males absorbs the blood causing what you and I and everyone else knows as an "erection." Humans are born in both the same body, just like 84 said, females ovaries are our balls.
I don't get how this is a FML oh **** your life a guy complamented you this isn't a FML
hahaha that dude has the mad lines. fyl indeed
boys now have clings....., I'm scared for myself
13- niceeee :D 22- that's the POINT dumbass!
you spelt it right the first time
38 you just ruined my life with that joke
nice **** babe
Lmao literally
nice pooper yeah thts one hot compliment .. I should start saying it maybe i'll get some ass
Maybe you'll get some pooper?
because that's not creepy at all...
women are so up tight... just smile, blush, and walk away... he knows that he just gave you something to later talk about with your friends, (and then we become the "topic of conversation")
nice pooper? really. how old is he? hahaha....
That's kinda weird, but a compliment none-the-less, I suppose. How old is this 'boy'? He sounds five.
So this cute girl walks by right? Her dog is just adorable so I told her she had a nice pooper, she blushes and runs off right? Weird I didn't know girls were so sensitive about their dogs... Oh yeah she also had a nice anal cavity, I wanted to put it on my face.
nice pooper WTF I think he's reffering to ur asshole not ur ass idk...start likeing someone else he's obviously a fagg
thats a good thing
nice pooper? really. how old is he? hahaha....