Reality check

By DerrickUhl - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Napa

Today, I finally turned 21, so my friends and I decided to go to a club. There, I met this hot waitress and we were really hitting it off. I ordered a drink. She replied, "No problem, kiddo." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 127
You deserved it 7 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't want to be the bearer of bad news man but she's a waitress. I'm pretty sure she always "hits it off" with guys: more tips.

TarieBoo 2

obviously if she was still getting you your drink she doesnt really think youre a kiddo?


I've been called kiddo by several people including my ex...and I'm a girl. If you think about it in the grand scheme of things, however, we 20-21 year olds are still kids.

That's why you don't go to clubs when you turn 21. You go to bars.

Ummm...not if clubs are more your scene, you don't.

Hope you didn't leave a big tip with your number under it, you may be disappointed.

MrBrightside21 20

Don't feel bad about it. No problem, kiddo.

perdix 29

It's all relative. At 21, you are the youngest customer she sees. In the old age home, a 70-year-old is a "kiddo."

She may not have meant it in a condescending way. Either way now that you can go to clubs and bars and meet lots off women.

you wern't hitting it off. Waitresses at bars and clubs are suposed to appear single and attracted to every male customer, its good for buisness and you will likely tip her better. sorry to burst your bubble, but she probably wans't into you and may not even be available!

You're not wrong. The newly turned 21yo must a godsend for waitresses!

im 16yr, today i was mistaken for my 22 years old brother's father

Iknoweverything 29

Age is such a mysterious thing. We turn 21 and think we are suddenly adults. Then we age a few years, and think 21-year-olds are a bunch of immature idiots. Then we age a few more years, and can't believe we thought ourselves above 21-year-olds when we were still immature idiots... and it goes on and on. Someday, I will think back to this post, and think what an immature idiot I was when I posted this post.

So, true...I'll be 42 this year & every 5-10 yrs I've looked back only to come to the same we know why parents say "you'll understand when you're older"...because it's true...even they were immature during the time we thought they were "soooo old" Makes you wonder just how the hell they felt @ that age & see why they were so disproving of our immaturity all those years. :)

ThurnisHaleyG 4

She might be in to that kinda stuff.