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By Jon - 14/05/2012 21:46 - New Zealand - Christchurch

Today, I went to a club with some friends. I ordered two drinks from the waitress and gave her a fifty. She never returned with the change, and the rest of the staff claimed they didn't know who I was talking about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 722
You deserved it 6 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Or maybe she just didn't work there.....

1 you shouldn't be saying shit like that, the black suits might get you. OR you can have an "accident". 0.o

thatoneguy79 10

1 - It can't be a conspiracy; those don't exist. Like Roswell, aliens, honest politicians, and the perfect Christmas tree, conspiracies were invented by the movie industry when they ran out of cowboy movies. Anyone who tells you differently is probably under some sort of brain control device. Though you didn't hear this from me, because I was never here. You only thought I was, but I really wasn't.

28 - If she was a ninja then OP's $50 would have just gone "missing" as well as all of his friend's money and the the money in the club's register

30) of course it was noor, who else could it possibly be?

Tali147 16

The Ninja Waitress from a previous FML??

62 - are you suggesting that there is a conspiracy to create conspiracies in Hollywood? O.o

Oh no! They kidnapped OP? What ever shall we do?

I bet you wouldn't be saying that if it was you...

Tali147 16

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm not sure that just walking away with someone's money qualifies you as "clever"

MarisaCB 16

Work smart. And why would you give her a fifty in the first place?

MarisaCB 16

I'll say... but as much as it sucks for you, kudos to her for planning it with the other waitresses.

12 - Why a fifty? Because sometimes that's what the bank gives you. And planning it with the waitresses? It seems more likely this "waitress" didn't even work there.

itsame0987 18

18. I don't know of any ATM that gives fifties. Also, banks will ask if you want small or large bills. Op must have asked for large bills, which is really dumb if you are going to the club. Don't carry large bills to the club ever. That does suck op, but you also deserve it for carrying bills that large to the club.

MarisaCB 16

That's what I thought. I don't drink, but I didn't think drinks cost (for 2) fifty dollars. Why not have gotten smaller bills at some point? And how could op not noticed if they didn't work there. Having worked as a waitress, I can say there's always either a uniform or little apron or nametag to distinguish them from customers. But my bad!

58 any ATM I've ever been to only gives you 50's and 20's

BubbleGrunge 18

This whole thread deserves a face palm. So, it's OPs fault that the waitress stole his money? Why, because he paid with a 50? A drink at a club can cost anywhere from 7-20 bucks or more depending on what you buy. Not everyone goes to an ATM, some people use an actual teller. Sometimes, people like bigger bills because they are harder to spend. Don't try to justify the waitress stealing by claiming OP should have used smaller bills. And, there is a very good chance, the other waitresses lied by saying the waitress didn't work there. Hence the word "claimed."

58 - Why does it matter if they went to a teller and asked for big bills? What's it to you? Also, I didn't say ATM. Where I'm from, ATMs spit out only 20s which is why I didn't say perhaps OP went to an ATM. Hey, maybe a friend paid OP back and that's all they had in their wallet. You don't know!

MarisaCB 16

Sorry. I legitimately asked why he would give her a fifty. It wasn't sarcastic at all.

aleeshttylXD 9

Um, OP probably only had a fifty because he went to the ATM and they only give out 50 and 20 dollar notes. And why would someone go all the way into a bank to the teller to get money? That's what an ATM is for.

olpally 32

Lol, you just got owned... It was probably noor the ninja... damn, she's good!

I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't even work there...

4everblackjack 10

Yeah, that was my first thought.

Not to be a smart ass, but I'm pretty sure that is what was being implied.

But how did she get the two drinks, that I assume were untouched? Because I'm fairly sure that if OP noticed that his "drinks" were already sipped from, he would notice that something is afoot.

When op said waitress, I instantly pictured a French maid. What is wrong with me??

roxubulldog 3

She ordered them paid for them herself.... Took ops $50.

roxubulldog 3

She ordered them paid for them herself.... Took ops $50.

4everblackjack 10

FYL sorry OP, but you should have made sure who you were giving your money to

Exactly. I run background checks on all my waiters and waitresses before entrusting them with my money.

That's going a bit far, Il Maestro. Usually two forms of photo identification, a pay stub not more than 2 weeks old, and three notarised letters of recommendation are sufficient.

KingDingALing 9

**** that, I ask for a birth certificate up front just to make sure she even exists.

And have the fondle your DingALing just to make sure, eh Lingy?

amandalillian 27

Its a club, people are drinking, I barley trust my friends with my money in that environment. Might as well make the extra 20 steps and order it yourself rather than have a friend come back with 3 rum and cokes and six shots for the two of you.... all I wanted was a beer, I don't even get the logic of your choices

FlamingTacos 7

Just tell her "Fine, keep the change you filthy animal."

nofearjenshere 12

Ohh, my childhood was awesome.

But then again... That would happen, if he could find her again.

andrew87804 4

They should be more aware of people behind their bar.

She was a waitress so she wasn't behind the bar she most likely approached them.

I disagree. Recession or no recession, $50 is still $50 and the waitress would have probably taken her money either way.