Record breakers

By DamnDominoes - 10/06/2009 11:39 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I had just a few dominoes left to complete the whole project that I've been working on for about three weeks. I pressed record on my video camera, flicked the first domino, and watched with pride. When it finished, I realized I hadn't actually pressed record. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 959
You deserved it 31 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would be SO awesome to see! I have always wanted to do something like that, but i have shaky hands and attention defficent disorder. So i wouldn't last a day. You are my hero dude! Try again! Don't let this stop you! You have serious commitment, patience, and perseverance. I wish i was more like you


alkyoo 0

FYL for making the mistake, YDI for spending that long working with dominos.

#84, I'd say FYL for having nothing more interesting to do than to spend 3 weeks on a stupid domino project.

well_this_sucks 0

you would think that after 3 weeks of working on it, you would make sure the camera was recording..

don't knock OP's hobby. If there's youtubes of people putting mentos into pepsi, then there are also people who create elaborate domino structures.

who the **** spends three weeks setting up dominoes?

the fact that you spent 3 weeks setting up dominoes is bad enough to be a FML

do you have any chance have a cat? see there is this guy who does this kind of stuff