Record breakers

By DamnDominoes - 10/06/2009 11:39 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I had just a few dominoes left to complete the whole project that I've been working on for about three weeks. I pressed record on my video camera, flicked the first domino, and watched with pride. When it finished, I realized I hadn't actually pressed record. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 959
You deserved it 31 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would be SO awesome to see! I have always wanted to do something like that, but i have shaky hands and attention defficent disorder. So i wouldn't last a day. You are my hero dude! Try again! Don't let this stop you! You have serious commitment, patience, and perseverance. I wish i was more like you


ISellHerbs 0

I don't see how you can say he deserved it. He put all that time into a project and he didn't even get to record it. He didn't do anything wrong to deserve it, he just simply didn't notice that the camera wasn't recording. Be serious, who actually pays attention to if the camera makes a sound? All cameras have a light that flashes but he was probably watching the dominoes instead. It seems like the idea of "you deserved it" has completely lost its meaning especially with people who hit that button no matter what the story is.

Hmm... Well, maybe, and I don't know your video camera personally, next time you record something, check and see if a timer pops up. They're known to when someone starts recording something so that they know how long they've been recording, just saying. Maybe a little red dot comes up, who knows. Ooh, and maybe even the word "record" or "rec" comes on your screen! Triple check? No, no. Sextuple check that shit, yo. You kinda deserve it.

YDI for spending three weeks playing with dominoes.

lovablylovable 0

Ouch..........that sux man!!!!!!!!! I would totally pay to see the expression on your face when you realized it wasn't recording!!!!!!! It would probably have been funnier if you had left the lense cap on though!!!!!!! LOL!!

yaintime21 0

That's so sad!!! Wow, I am like crying right now ahahah. But yeah, I agree with #15.

I just find it amazingly sad that you spent THREE WEEKS on a domino project. Who plans out a whole domino puzzle over three weeks and then gets excited enough to record it?

elmocubano 0

I would say FYL but apparently you don't have one.

I'd have like to have seen it. Although if i had three weeks to spare, I can think of better things

I hate when you get really close to doing something, but you mess it up and completely screws over. I almost cry when that happens.