Record breakers

By DamnDominoes - 10/06/2009 11:39 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I had just a few dominoes left to complete the whole project that I've been working on for about three weeks. I pressed record on my video camera, flicked the first domino, and watched with pride. When it finished, I realized I hadn't actually pressed record. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 959
You deserved it 31 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would be SO awesome to see! I have always wanted to do something like that, but i have shaky hands and attention defficent disorder. So i wouldn't last a day. You are my hero dude! Try again! Don't let this stop you! You have serious commitment, patience, and perseverance. I wish i was more like you


#11: *high fives* I have ADD too! I have it really ba- hey look, a bunny!

46. he's saying that most video cameras beep when they start recording.

electricheart 0

Fail. You should've checked the camera screen first to make sure it was recording.

that sucks man. I feel really bad for you. that would totally happen to me. You should watch the Centraal Beheer Dominoes commercial on youtube. It's similar to what happend.

lyndis_fml 0

#46 (pleasetryagain): Please, try again when you've actually used a video camera at least once. They DO make a "beep" noise when you hit record, so that you know you're recording.

seancliffy 0

ha YDI, how did you not know? Fake. If i was doing something that big, i would check 10x over to make sure it was on.