Red tape

By Anonymous - 04/04/2012 07:51 - Australia - Perth

Today, I had to call the Australian Passport office to track my passport. Turns out they lost it in the mail. A week ago, I got my dream job as a flight attendant. Without a passport they won't accept me. I lost my dream job before I even started it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 524
You deserved it 2 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenamartinovic 13

Oh man that sucks!! Try to explain your situation to someone in charge and maybe they'll let you work?!

Can't you explain what happened to the airline that hired you? Shit happens and I'm sure they'll understand.


lenamartinovic 13

Oh man that sucks!! Try to explain your situation to someone in charge and maybe they'll let you work?!

They probably won't let OP work without his/her passport but hopefully when you get a new one they will. OP, don't give up!

Birdie_Sage 0

Most likely she did explain her situation, and guess what? They won't even except her without a passport! My advice is to get a new one or find the old one, pronto.

My friend handcrafted a spear to perfection. He had forged it very nicely and carved the shaft out. He sent it in the mail to the customer and they lost it. It got stolen by some idiot who scanned the package and read "forged spear" or somethig like that and they took it. Bs on postal service part. the guy has to make it over again which took about a hundred hours or more.

Plus I thought you would only be considered an illegal alien if you step foot outside the airport property.

I don't understand why flight attendants welcome you when you get to your destination. It's kinda weird like "hello, welcome to San Fran Cisco!" ...."I just arrived here with you." We all came together .-.

Can't you explain what happened to the airline that hired you? Shit happens and I'm sure they'll understand.

Epsilonyx 15

But I'm sure they already assigned them to a specific flight, y'know? They can't just change the flight time to wait for their passport. The airline probably need a certain amount of flight attendants right then.

Talia_91 13

I doubt they just throw a flight attendant on a plane with out any training first

Just request another passport and tell them you have a new one.

rcgirl2 11

Its not like your dream job is over. Don't let something small like this crush your dreams. Just get a new passport and try again.

I'm sure they will understand and take you as soon as you get your passport! Sorry OP Don't give up on your dream!

Sometimes dreams just fly away like that..

Birdie_Sage 0

Dreams can fly away too? No way!

Your dream job is to be a flight attendant?

Birdie_Sage 0

Yes... Look at the person's profile pic... He's just worried for you, you know?

omnomnicon 9
XxHoodieBearxX 5

XD hahahaa what I thought...

I don't think your whole career needs to be ruined because of this...can't you just call for another passport?

Birdie_Sage 0

You're suspicious... Your passport... And you wanted to be a flight attendant...? Aww admit it! You wish you could fly like me! ;) Like a g6!

xXxIracebethxXx 14

What? I didn't even understand the first half of your comment.

florido_fml 10

Soomboooooodyyyy orda fo pic Ahp