
By Anonymous - 05/02/2024 23:00 - United Kingdom

Today, police questioned me on behalf of my doctor, who couldn’t believe one person could use so much insulin, so he thinks I’m selling it to bodybuilders. I really do use it all myself, I use about 6 times as much as my sister who is also diabetic, and my diet is normal. I only weigh 10.5 stone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 513
You deserved it 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you're just insulin resistant. The street value of insulin is only like $100 a box. You'd have to be in a really nasty economic spot to risk complicating your life for so little.

Something is seriously wrong with your body and taking insulin is not fixing it. Get another doctor.


Sounds like you're just insulin resistant. The street value of insulin is only like $100 a box. You'd have to be in a really nasty economic spot to risk complicating your life for so little.

Something is seriously wrong with your body and taking insulin is not fixing it. Get another doctor.