Reverse Uno card

By really_now - 26/04/2013 00:56 - United States - Reno

Today, I was driving when I noticed that the guy in front was on the phone. I pulled up next to him, pulled out my phone and I made a gesture that he needed to put his phone away. It was a cop. I got a ticket for driving while on my cell phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 093
You deserved it 34 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope to god that they weren't in an obvious cop car...


Most police vehicles have a G at the beginning of the license plate. Avoid those like the dickens.

Not very good advice if people happen to live somewhere different. Undercover cops here have an "h" at the beginning of their plate just like most cars here (the exception being trucks with a "c"). And we don't have crown vics, we have chargers, focuses, a couple subarus.

It's a XX or XY on their liscence plates here

OscarDV 8

I'm curious about how you couldn't tell it was a police vehicle in front of you? Unless it was one of those undercover officers, then that cops a dick

Unmarked car! They're everywhere here!

Sounds like he was an undercover cop since you couldn't even recognize that you were driving behind one!

How would one make a citizen's on a cop? Or is that even possible?

Oh snap! XD it's suppose to be citizen's arrest*** lol

A citizens arrest for what? All emergency personnel.. Including tow truck drivers are allowed to use their phones while driving.

It was a general question not too much on the FML. reading it sparked this question because I've always wondered. I figured with cops they have dispatches to communicate not using cell phones but idk.

Take that bastard to court. Cops are there to enforce the law, it doesn't mean they're above it.

And neither is OP. He did enforce the law. OP rolls up next to POLICE CAR with phone in hand... thats just asking for trouble.

klovemachine 24


klovemachine 24

If I can't use my phone while driving, neither can a cop...I feel sorry for the OP. some cops = pigs oink oink

The cell phone restrictions don't apply to police because of their frequent emergency situations. I can't understand how this is not obvious.

The way its written sounds like OP didn't know it was a cop. Its an FML because they got a ticket when they weren't doing anything wrong. I don't understand how thats not obvious...

I was referring to the posters that said that the cop was in the wrong. OP had a cell phone in hand while driving. That's not illegal?

It is completely illegal, and I agree with your point. The issue is there is a culture surrounding police officers that they abuse their power and are simply another hypocritical arm of the government. The fact is, that's bullshit. Cops deserve respect, they keep you safe, and it pisses me off to no end to see people shit talk cops after the sacrifices they and their families make. From the perspective of an officer's son, seeing these comment chains shit talking police make me sick, because I rush home from school every day so I can hug him in case he doesn't come back from the job where he keeps people's ungrateful asses safe.

bugmefmlnotnow 7

yeah - not all cops are so wonderful. If you aren't aware of that read the news. Maybe its a small percentage of cops that abuse their power, but that percentage usually gets noticed and it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch.

Not all are wonderful, that's true. But the generalizations I see on a regular basis are disgusting.

even if SOME cops do stupid shit - cut them a little slack. thats not the typical case, and they chose a profession that puts them in danger for your butt. until you do the same, theres no room for complaining.

Suaria 38

I've always wondered if cops speed as well if they aren't stopping a person

CharresBarkrey 15

I've seen it. I've also seen them come to a stop at a red light, turn their lights on and go through the light, then then their lights off. Watched him go a mile behind me without his lights after that.

Theyre actually allowed to go a little bit over the limit.

60 - No, they aren't. When they aren't pursuing someone all the regular rules of the road apply to them too.

Cops sometimes get a call in which they need to "expedite". Which in the case of the police means using their lights to get through a light, but not all the way to the call location.

Stupid question, if the guy wasn't in a cop car, could the ticket be fake?

CharresBarkrey 15

Undercover and even off duty cops can still issue tickets. Even if they don't, I know a few cops who will write down license plates while off duty and cite a person later.