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By Anonymous - 29/05/2009 19:38 - United States

Today, I learned how my cat's flea medicine works. Instead of killing the fleas, it just makes the fleas move off of the animal. The good news is my cat no longer has fleas. The bad news is, the fleas moved into my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 346
You deserved it 4 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you need to find a different flea medicine for your cat. And maybe you should buy yourself a flea collar.

cxal_fml 0

they'll die quickly from the lack of blood - any medicine that killed the fleas immediately would also have significant danger of killing you cat pretty quickly too (why most vets only sell Advantage). And regardless of what flea meds you use, you were going to have to wash your bedding and vaccuum the floor anyway so no biggie. Plus human blood kills fleas so any that bit you are dead by now


I think you need to find a different flea medicine for your cat. And maybe you should buy yourself a flea collar.

riku3220 2

Awww man that's bad. Best of luck to ya.

cxal_fml 0

they'll die quickly from the lack of blood - any medicine that killed the fleas immediately would also have significant danger of killing you cat pretty quickly too (why most vets only sell Advantage). And regardless of what flea meds you use, you were going to have to wash your bedding and vaccuum the floor anyway so no biggie. Plus human blood kills fleas so any that bit you are dead by now

well at least you can say that you're never alone in bed.

JJawbreakerr 0

Fleas suck. Tick are a small manifestation of Satan. Wash your bedding. Vacuum your carpet. Get over it. Though i do feel bad for you.

Get a flea collar for the cat. Always worked for the alley cat that adopted me. Not sure how you should fix your flea problem other than washing all your bedding and clothes and hope for the best.

That sucks! I kind of know the feeling though. A couple of summers ago, my uncles dog got fleas but we look after her while he's away at work so we had her quite a lot this one summer. We also have a cat, and he ended up getting fleas too. Thing is, my cat loved lying beside me while I was on the PC on the rug, and the fleas were everywhere though luckily it was a light coloured rug and we had laminate so they were easy to see. Not so easy to get rid of though. Easy enough to get rid on the cat, not so easy elsewhere! Well, since I sat at the computer some of the fleas must've got onto me, and without me knowing I later found out a few had decided to move into my bed. So every now and then I'd find these little fleas jumping and they were damn hard to get rid of! And just's horrible knowing they're in your bed! Hope you get it sorted soon though Xx

hlks 0