Rubbing it in
By lmiller - 24/01/2010 03:29 - United States
By lmiller - 24/01/2010 03:29 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/01/2009 21:43 - France
By Sabrina - 03/09/2019 04:00 - Australia - Canberra
By Anonymous - 25/03/2025 06:00 - United States
By josh - 23/01/2009 12:33 - United States
By StillAlone - 23/10/2022 06:00
By hesaidwhat - 15/01/2010 05:07 - United States
By swallowsafly - 08/06/2019 04:00
By ruinedmoment - 24/02/2011 06:20 - United States
By dumped - 01/07/2009 17:25 - United States
By 12345678 - 31/12/2009 08:01 - United States
Easy Alan, there's more to live for.
samething happens to medude cept I'm ably friendswith her bf and he'she one who talkesall about my ex in how there telly in love so one day I jussaid to fuc it I loved her more than u evry will then i went to my ex then kissed a completely randome but hot girl in frount of her and turns out now tht hot girl wantsto go out with me hehe but seriously dude if u still want to b friends all u hav to do Is block her
Your spelling through that post made me shit myself and then cry.
and am I the only one who thinks this DOES make sense? everyone is confused because they read it as he dumped HER but where did you get that? it CLEARLY says she dumped him twice. there shouldn't be any confusion at all unless you are a troll on crack.
No really, F his life! I mean, she is probably a cold hearted jerk who added him back on purpose after writing all those statuses for the sole reason of rubbing it in his face. I mean, I myself am friends on facebook with two exes who wanted to marry me and I totally just got engaged in hopes they would kill themselves in their utter despair. Obviously! Because it's SO not normal to move on and be able to love someone else after a breakup....
Gracie, i hope you're kidding. Who gives a f*ck if your ex has a boyfriend who she "loves." (It gets thrown around a lot these days.) OP, quit feeling sorry for yourself and go meet a new girl, you'll get over her sooner than you think. If she did friend request just so you could see her statuses, than she's a bitch and the best comeback would be finding a new girlfriend who you really care for.
Gracie, your a riot! I have a new bf and my ex on FB. it doesn't always have to be for revenge. I did it because I actually wanted to talk to him stay friends and as a from of truce. I didn't want him to think I was using him. I broke up with him almost a year ago and he's still a good friend of mine. he still has feelings for me but he was just glad that I was happy. OP if you actually love her or care about her, just let her be happy and move on.
I'm with 5. I'm in the exact same scenario but instead of being depressed I ignore them or even occationally comment telling her I'm happy for her. if it's been that long, it's time to move on. I'll still give you the fyl though just because broken hearts suck.
Contradictory much? Maybe I misunderstood, but it seems like first you said you broke up with her, and then it's that she broke up with you.
I think he meant she was talking about him in the messages..
try reading what it says
Yeah don't be a smartass because when you're not being smart, you're just being an ass.
#6 - Oops i only saw later as i scrolled down Allen changed it. Sorry
hey stupid he clearly states both times she dumbed him.
umm go get an education, and stop being an asswhole.
oh yeah 70? look who's talking!! you just spelt asshole with a friggen "w"!!
"my ex that I had broken up with"..."she dumped me for" So, what happened exactly? FYL for not even being able to make up a good fake story.
what point? if it doesn't make sense, read through it again you ******* moron
how are people so stupid I'm 14 and I read it clear as day.
It clearly says 2 times that she dumped him. Idiot.
At least she provided you one important tool for when you start stalking her.
What did you expect?
Wait you dump her and then you say she dumped you ? :/ You make no sense...
He never said he dumped her you jack ass.
Ydi for accepting the request!
delete her off again!
it was months ago get over it...
delete her off again!