Run faster

By Noname - 15/03/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, I went for a jog in my neighborhood. While I was running I passed my girlfriend's parents who were out for a walk. Trying to make a good impression, I stopped to talk. When I got home I realized I was wearing a shirt that friends gave me as a joke. It said "Blow me, bitch. It's my b-day." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 171
You deserved it 79 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wearing that shirt in public is just *asking* for a FML to happen. That's a total "you deserve that one", dude. Nice.

Oh man... that's why I could never get myself to actually wear shirts like that, out of fear for situations like that happening to me


I think that shirt is related to the "I'm with stupid" xD

YDI for wearing the shirt! I hope you're not looking for sympathy.

hahaha I bet u made a very nice impression:)

Norrec86 7

If it was a joke why did you wear it in public?

CoffeeCatsnBacon 5

Like a birthday candle :) How could that possibly be mistaken?

derpy_batman 4

How did you not notice the shirt you were wearing?

MasonSoccer23 15

Where can you even possibly get a shirt that says that?!