Sadly discontinued

By Anonymous - 05/10/2013 08:17 - United States

Today, I was grocery shopping. When I got to the frozen foods, I saw some Lean Pockets, which I haven't had in forever, so I bought a couple of boxes. Around lunch time, I was hungry and thought I could have some, until I realized why I stopped buying them: I don't have a microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 41 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Short term memory loss, OP? I'm almost scared to ask how many times this has happened with other things. But, I guess the next best thing would be to go to a bakery and get whatever the equivalent would be.


The have instructions on the box for the oven....

perdix 29

Tell a friend he can have one of your Lean Pockets if he lets you use his microwave to heat them up. You could be a good friend and not make him endure a Lean Pocket and the ensuing diarrhea.

do you have an oven? You can also heat it in a pan on a hot plate or stove top. Either way tastes way better than microwaved

I once bought a packet of condoms.. then I realised why I don't buy them... I don't have a gf... faaack!

Box of lean pockets:$3.50, gas too and from store:$10, last nights drugs:$57, forgetting how to cook and posting about it: priceless

"Some lean pockets"? You should only be having "A lean pocket", bro. Weight is affected by portion sizes.

This fml sounds so happy with all the exclamation marks. How cute. But really dude, use an oven!!!