Salad days

By ugh - 04/07/2013 18:28 - South Africa - Durban

Today, as I was enjoying a nice fish salad, my father looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Ahh, salmon. The 'other' pink meat", then winked suggestively at my mother. I don't think I can ever eat fish again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 681
You deserved it 5 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, looks like you'll be skipping the sushi date for their anniversary.


14- Counter-advice: Don't even blink. This is not the time to show weakness. Pretend you couldn't care less, lest you encourage more of the same by giving him Exactly the response he sought after. :p

Since when did you not know that your parents were sexually active? They had you didn't the? Of course they are active! Thinking about your own birthday or birth should have the same effect...

Of course she knew that her parents were sexually active, but most normal people would rather not be reminded of it.

I hope your dad knows women aren't supposed to be 'fishy', but he doesn't seem to mind.

At least he didn't say:" I love eating your mom's fish salad." Then wink suggestively.

rcgirl2 11

I'm so sorry. Nobody deserves this.

kitkatmiaow 21

It's a salad ... With fish ...

ShinyArcanine 16

How did your mother react?

thank you for ruining salmon for me now.

That is awesome! haha I would like to shake that mans hand.

Are you sure? You don't know where it's been.