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By oogabooga9 - 08/11/2017 15:00

Today, I was clearing out the garage when a large bouncy ball rolled into the drive. Only when I blasted it full force with my foot and collapsed did I realise it was actually a bowling ball. Two of my toes are broken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 728
You deserved it 4 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

If it wasn't bouncing towards you, why would you assume it's a bouncy ball?

Were the neighborhood kids playing Bowling for Dullards? Wait, another ball is coming — the kid is seeing if he can break your three other toes and get the spare!


first what if a kid was coming to get it and you just kicked it full force away, second what if you hit and broke something by kicking it? YDI in my opinion.

I thought it rolled out of his own messy garage and he was just trying to kick it back in.

Were the neighborhood kids playing Bowling for Dullards? Wait, another ball is coming — the kid is seeing if he can break your three other toes and get the spare!

I've never mistaken a bowling ball for a bouncy ball. Must have been the coloration.

exileonmainst 16

Breaking your toes is not an excuse for not tidying up the garage OP!

manb91uk 22

It must be one of those new-fangled extra-large bouncy balls that come with three finger holes! I can understand the confusion.

Lobby_Bee 17

If it wasn't bouncing towards you, why would you assume it's a bouncy ball?

I mean, typically, people don't play with bowling balls in the street.

Nope! He saw the holes, figured out it was a bowling ball... & kicked it anyway!

Three holes, but five toes...guess I can see why you broke the two that you didn't have a hope for!

*hole (Why did they remove the 'edit comment' feature?)

I'm wondering how you thought it was a bouncy ball, unless you just saw it roll and assumed it. But bowling balls also have finger holes... I'm guessing those weren't facing you?

How do you mistake a bowling ball for a bouncing ball. Bowling balls are shiny and bouncy balls are usually a mat finish and made of rubber.