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Salad days

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, I saw a customer open a bottle of salad dressing, taste it, then put it back on the shelf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 409
You deserved it 832

Top comments

One of my cousins used to work in a little market and people would just help themselves and leave without paying. He told me he used to speak really loud and tell them "that's not free sir", usually people were super embarrassed and paid without saying anything. I hope you called them out on this !


One of my cousins used to work in a little market and people would just help themselves and leave without paying. He told me he used to speak really loud and tell them "that's not free sir", usually people were super embarrassed and paid without saying anything. I hope you called them out on this !

This just made me lose a little more faith in humanity.

Iwannarock1 19

Richard, is it OCD that makes you comment on every FML, even when you have nothing witty or intelligent to say?

Disgusting! I really hope you said something to her. Shoot, I've seen a customer stick and lick her fingers one after one in 6 salad dressings to taste them all to see which one she preferred at an all you can eat buffet. You better believe I put her nasty self on blast.

<div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"> <div>It has been hard for me to earn a living over the years of hard labor and suffering, after i lost my parents, so all man has to work for it own self and try to earn a living, grow up was not easy due to low income in the family and other side issues, i have been playing the lottery for a very long time now, and the highest amount i have won is just $750, i always pray to God to help me find a way to hit the lottery, because that was all i put my ho

lee47_fml 6

<p>&nbsp; I would have taken the bottle immediatly up to the service desk and told the store who did this.&nbsp; Breaking the seal on merchandise, sticking your fingers in it and then replacing it on shelf has set in motion FOOD POISONING.&nbsp; The inconsiderate a## could be responsible for the hospitalization of several members of a family, the death of an elderly person or child.</p>

species4872 19

<p>&nbsp;They are only customers if they buy otherwise their just pains in the arse.</p>