
By janused - 18/02/2015 17:17 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, my dad still refuses to repay the loan I gave him. I've just barely managed to pay my bills, and I'm now so poor that I'll have to survive the next 3 days until my next paycheck by eating the only thing left in my fridge: a jar of cheese whiz. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 916
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colton_colton 49

Just go "borrow" some of his food or money

As someone who works in a financial institution, I am sad to say that I see parents taking money from their kids quite often (because their name is on the account). I hope you no longer allow yourself to loan money to your dad since you must take care of yourself as well. I hope your dad will realize he is being a selfish asshole and will pay you back in the near future. Best of luck OP.


I hope it was enough money to sting you. This way you will remember the lesson. "If they don't have the money now, what makes you think they'll have the money to pay you back?"

Uuuhhhh LOTS of situations say that they can get the money back. Just last month a loaned my dad $600 to buy a new air compressor after his one broke, he needed the air compressor to finish a $4000 paint job, once he finished the job he gave my money back AND took me out to dinner

If food banks are a possibility, I'd definitely go that route. Much healthier for you. It may sound embarrassing, but I've been in a position where I had to go or starve, and the folks there were not judgemental, and if you run into anyone you know there, well, they're there for the same reason as you, right? Also, never loan him money again.

This is unrelated.. But think about how weird it is that you're reading my comment right now and you don't even know me.

Never loan that which you cannot afford to give away.

JayVicious 20

your right there, but OP might have been able to loan it easily at the time then afterwards ran into some hard times.

foxmatrix15 8

Damn all u need was crackers and u can make mini cheeze sandwiches.

You can sell plasma for a few dollars incase you were unaware

You can't sell blood/plasma in Canada? Why? Or is it like you actually donate instead of selling?

JayVicious 20
JayVicious 20

I'd probably go to sperm bank 1st tho OP. Would be embarassing to pass out rubbing 1 out.

37- yeah, we donate blood/plasma in Canada. You can't sell it. They're always doing blood drives and advertising to encourage people to donate.

Same with Australia, we only DONATE here, can't sell that shit. Getting money out of it kind of ruins the point of a good deed too

A few options: - visit your friends when they have dinner - check if there aren't any open public events in your city offering free food(receptions, openings, festivals, church etc) - ask restaurants if they are throwing anything out - look for free food samples in supermarkets - soup kitchens - sell something you don't need like old books etc. Buy cheap high cal food like baked beans, pasta or rice.

Don't you have any friends or family op where you can ask to borrow a loaf of bread and some cheese? You can make grilled cheese sandwiches. Hopefully you have someone around, even a neighbour, that could help you out. Don't be worried about your pride, you're literally on the verge of starving, so go to a few neighbours, explain you don't get your pay check for another 3 days and ask if they have any canned goods or a loaf of bread or something and you'll pay them back when your pay check comes in. Also, as 25 mentioned, if you were to walk into a church and explain your situation to the pastor, most if not all, would help you out and find you some food! Churches always like to help their community.

>Implying cheese whiz is bad haha but all in all seriousness cheese whiz is not a good nutrition source I hope you will be able to fix this problem nobody deserves to be ripped off by there parents