By Pleonasm - 18/02/2015 15:14 - France - Lyon
Pleonasm tells us more.
I hold my mouse in an awkward position and my elbow floats in the air, putting the weight on the shoulder. If I play for too long, it aches. But it started when I used a machine to work out and hurt my shoulder doing the butterfly press I think.
Top comments
rotfl ha ha ha ha good old computer games
What position were you in for that to happen?
I hold my mouse in an awkward position and my elbow floats in the air, putting the weight on the shoulder. If I play for too long, it aches. But it started when I used a machine to work out and hurt my shoulder doing the butterfly press I think.
Gotta watch your form and/or the amount you're lifting bro. Or you'll take more trips to snap city. I'd suggest avoiding machines, at least for a while. Focus on free weights to build your stabilizers; military press, lateral raises, rear delt flys (all with dumbbells). I'm totally being that "gym bro" guy that everyone hates. But I'm okay with it.
You should also strengthen your rotator cuff or you'll tear (I think it's tear) that and that hurts like a b****. I had a tear in mine and i could practically not even move it
Bro, you always need to go easy on the butterfly since its always hard on your shoulders and ligaments in your arms.
#15 that's the same position as jerking off
Hey Pleo! I used to see you commenting a lot. Congrats on your (first?) FML!!
You can permanently damage your arm/shoulder doing BOTH those things. My husband pulled a hamstring lifting incorrectly and he was in such intense pain they were close to forcing him home from deployment. Please dear God be careful.
Hey, don't feel bad. League of Legends is serious business.
That's a really bad position! You can get tennis elbow and up with permanent damage. My uncle works on a computer all day, and he used to hang his elbow in the air like you as well. He ended up needing to have surgery done in order for him to be able to use the arm properly again!
Hey man it's all good I have myself a blood blister on my hand from my mouse a while ago
Why don't you use a cushion to support your elbow, that's what I do, It helped my shoulders great
was it.a leisure suit Larry game
I've done that! Slayed to many Dragons in Skyrim. It is ok though. The pain is totally worth it. The Dragonborn is more important than my shoulder.
I used to be an adventurer like you... Till I pulled a muscle in my shoulder
Just gotta Fus Ro Dah your problems away!
To much time on your hands
Please tell me it was World of Warcraft.
Starcraft II seems more plausible, considering the apm it requires Plus, Starcraft rocks
For the most part, I'd have to agree with you ^^
Unfortunately it was none of those, it was Team Fortress 2.
MMORPGs are not my thing. Regular RPGs on the other hand... And don't get me started on real time strategy games. Way too demanding for me.
There's a little better things than a good TF2 game with a couple of friends :)
Pleo, host an FML TF2 event. I'd like to attend. ;)
Well anyone who is interested can add me (link to my steam account on my profile)
I don't think I could ever really be completely annoyed if I injured myself playing such a top quality game. An excellent choice, sir.
i usually get soar muscles on my left shoulder and arm from league of legends,but that used to happen to me with less demanding games like left 4 dead.i think it's the long hours,the wrong posture,and the bad sleep position.not so much the intensity of the game
Watching ****?
Who jacks with their right? Lefties?
You see! Even lefties jack left! Who in the world jacks with their right hand?
I jack with both.
But that's just my opinion.
Maybe you should've been making puns on FML since I don't see your comments too often anymore.
Past my prime. But I'll be around.
Nobody is ever past their prime on FML! Well, unless you go brain dead. It's just witty responses. I remember seeing your comments in the Random section and felt sad people like you and perdix didn't post anymore.
Oh, you didn't hear... Perdix was banned!
I agree #9 & 30. I haven't been bere too long ( I started early 2014 ) so I have only seen their comments in the Random Section. Anyway, thank you Pleonasm for giving me a few laughs over the past year of me using this app. Congratulations on your FML being posted.
#30 - What he means is he has less free time to lurk on the site than he used to and make witty comments before anybody else thought of them. I'm getting to that stage as well - can anybody remember the last time I posted something that wasn't angry or perverted?
I don't, #45, because they're usually buried.
#55 - I know, lmao. I think it's been months since I've actually gone out of my way to write something of quality.
I agree. I think you have way to much time on your hands bub.
Says the guy on FML commenting with half naked selfies?
Yeah, you tell him!

What position were you in for that to happen?
Maybe you should've been making puns on FML since I don't see your comments too often anymore.