
By janused - 18/02/2015 17:17 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, my dad still refuses to repay the loan I gave him. I've just barely managed to pay my bills, and I'm now so poor that I'll have to survive the next 3 days until my next paycheck by eating the only thing left in my fridge: a jar of cheese whiz. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 916
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colton_colton 49

Just go "borrow" some of his food or money

As someone who works in a financial institution, I am sad to say that I see parents taking money from their kids quite often (because their name is on the account). I hope you no longer allow yourself to loan money to your dad since you must take care of yourself as well. I hope your dad will realize he is being a selfish asshole and will pay you back in the near future. Best of luck OP.


If it makes you feel better, my dad wouldn't spend $5 on me. Literally. Hey, I'm being partially serious with this- Maybe take him to Judge Judy XD In all seriousness though, sorry dude (or girl) *Sends Internet hug*

I can feel u r pain I had seen worst days, Can u imagine I own business worth 3 mil, but my personal bank account is at couple of hundred only since last year. But don't worry I can still share my food with u. Your life is not ****** up neither you deserve this. Cheers !!!!!

Must not have been too broke then. Cheese Whiz is expensive.

sorry that happened... and for your dad he needs to remember you reap what u sow... so he will get his soon enough

Couple ideas for you...take him to court (he already ****** you over), panhandle, ask a coworker for a favor, buy ramen from the dollar store. Try cutting any services you can, if only for now, including cable, or trying to get a cheaper cell phone plan. Also, do your taxes, your refund might help!

You could also go to any fast food place and ask people if they will kindly buy you something to eat since your father owes you money he promised to repay by now. It sucks, but you're more likely to have someone really buy you food than hand you some spare change. You can try this at a grocery store as well. I once helped out someone with baby formula and a bit of food because that's what they did.

smarti1809 12

Try going to a food pantry.


NEVER give money to someone even family

nithrandir 1

i know your struggle. i work two jobs while barely squeezing in time for my college. im so poor i just bought a package of hot dogs and i can only eat half of one a night till i get paid.