
By janused - 18/02/2015 17:17 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, my dad still refuses to repay the loan I gave him. I've just barely managed to pay my bills, and I'm now so poor that I'll have to survive the next 3 days until my next paycheck by eating the only thing left in my fridge: a jar of cheese whiz. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 916
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colton_colton 49

Just go "borrow" some of his food or money

As someone who works in a financial institution, I am sad to say that I see parents taking money from their kids quite often (because their name is on the account). I hope you no longer allow yourself to loan money to your dad since you must take care of yourself as well. I hope your dad will realize he is being a selfish asshole and will pay you back in the near future. Best of luck OP.


well you learned your lesson not to loan him money again

No offense, but I'm sure everyone has enough change laying around somewhere to go buy Ramen, and it's only for three days. It does suck though, good luck! FYL.

Actually, no, not everyone does. Check your middle class privilege.

Cheese wiz is kinda expensive for a poor person!

Thats why i have a piggybank. Dont go tell me some people have nothing to spare. I dont have a lot either, but still an euro here or there saves up to a lot. And btw... dont you have some nice friends you can go eat with? My friends would help me out in a heartbeat.

First of all, find something else to eat. I'm sure there are organizations serving food to the needy. It may feel humiliating but a full stomach is better than an empty one ! Best of luck , OP !

momac86 17

Learn how to manage your money better... You'd be surprised how many things you can live without if you need to save for a while

For some, maybe. But poverty exists and isn't just stupidity or poor money management.

Right down how you feel. Otherwise you may break down later when he asks for more money.

bsums203 13

You can ask for an advancement on your paycheck because your starving. Im sure whomever you work for would or you can get a small loan or borrow a few bucks from a friend.

never loan ANYTHING to family. either give i to them out of the kindness of your heart or tell them to fucjk off

usmc_sean 8

You grew up eating his food and living off of him,if you're that poor go do it again.