Scared for life
By Mary - 16/02/2010 00:08 - United States
By Mary - 16/02/2010 00:08 - United States
By Mojosahomo - 10/01/2018 17:30 - United States - Salt Lake City
By Hunter cat - 02/11/2018 13:30
By Anonymous - 11/04/2010 19:11 - United States
By upset - 25/10/2016 00:08
By Anonymous - 23/11/2012 06:17 - United States - Oakland
By lex31 - 14/02/2012 13:24 - United States
By Ellencrazee - 13/08/2011 10:22 - United Kingdom
By uh-oh - 25/03/2012 05:49 - Australia - Sydney
By Anonymous - 02/09/2018 03:30
By Welcome to Florida - 20/07/2017 13:01
LOL and your picture is a cartoon.. that was a lame insult
Well, I guess the snake was not poisonous, since you are not telling us how you had to go to the hospital or how your poor kitty died, so it was just a little scare. You've probably been laughing about it for a while now, so not much of an FML. Cats do bring the darnest things in though, I can still remember when my siamese wasn't as fat and lazy and she one day brought a small hawk with a damaged wing, still alive the lucky bugger, doubly lucky because I noticed in time to stop my killer kitty.
I'm guessing it may have been frightened and bit you, but I've been bitten by animals to much to give a shit, sorry. My advice for you is to scold the cat if it brings big stuff that you don't want in your doorstep... And make sure to stab it before you pick it up. <3 ;3
that's why cats are supposed to have bells on their collars so that birds and mice are warned!!! although i do understand snakes hear through vibrations in the ground YDI for no cat collar and bell
Maybe the cat has something against you and was secretly attempting homicide o.o just saying
It's somewhat debatable whether a non-human murdering a human would be considered homicide. As the genus for our species is "****" (meaning same...way to point out the obvious, taxonomists), the term homicide works. Alternately, as "****," the root prefix of "homicide" means "same," it's clearly not homicide, as the non-human is killing a different species. Under this logic, it would be hetericide, using the prefix "hetero," meaning "other." *trips auto-censor for homophobia?*
babybubz reply to jocks comment made me ROFL
animals do that because they like you. kind of like a " look what I did mommy" sort of thing
You save the snake's life! My hero! :p