By duncan74 - 10/12/2014 03:23 - France - Balma

Today, my cats found a new game to play. They each sit on either side of the cat flap, and take turns hitting it. Clack, clack. Clack, clack. At 3 am. Clack, clack. Clack, clack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 521
You deserved it 67

Top comments

Llamassss 21

Cats usually make noise like that when they want something.


Llamassss 21

Cats usually make noise like that when they want something.

if they want to mate..then the noises are unbearable

martin8337 35

At 3 in the morning, it's just the late night crazies. Most all cats are light that because they are nocturnal.

Cats are actually crepulscular, they are most active in early morning and twilight. :)

My cat stays quiet if I tell her to knock it off(thank god). Down side it's a daily routine

But if someone stopped you from flapping, wouldn't you be upset?

Or pull out a water bottle spray spray spray at 3am spray spray spray

Isn't there something which can lock a cat flap?? Or like stop it from moving?

Just get a hook and eye... Or if it's plastic maybe Velcro?

If you can't count sheep at least you can count this.....

haha that's too funny! at 3:00 AM: "yo, I'm bored," "oh, oh, oh, let's play that one game and annoy the sleeping human..."