
By Anonymous - 25/12/2011 17:07 - United States

Today, I couldn't find my phone. Worried that I'd accidentally thrown it in the trash, I emptied out all the bins and searched the garbage. An hour later, my daughter said she'd found it by the bathroom sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 005
You deserved it 26 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Epsilonyx 15

"Trash first, rational locations later."

DontClickOnMe 28

You should have called it from another phone and see if you could hear it ring!


Could have been worse. My friend dropped his iPhone in the toilet while he was doing his business.

jillianmathers12 13

That's why I like iPhone it has find my iPhone which make a loud noise whenever you can't find it!

lindseykcool 6

android has an app for that too..

So do all phones, you ring them from the land line...

jillianmathers12 13

36- but if it was on silent it doesn't ring. For iPhone it makes it ring on the loudest volume.

perdix 29

Here's lookin' at you, kid. ;) Or should I say: ;o ~~~<----8

I think you commented in the wrong fml perdix.

Let's help him find his way back.. *tugs lightly on perdix's shoulder and grabs walking stick*

ninjuh_wingman 29

Why look in the trash first? Wouldnt it more likely be in your house?

notsoluckypup 12

That's what you get for takin' a shit and using your phone :-P

lmao same thing happened to me but with my friend, we were at lunch and thought she threw it in the trash wen she emptied her tray so we spent forever searching the garbage, she really jst left it on the table :P

The question is, how in hell would your phone end up anywhere NEAR the trash? Why the **** would it have been there??

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

There could be a million possible reasons that would justify this predicament...

A million possible reasons and yet less than a handful of plausible ones. I've never met anyone who just so happened to throw their phone in the trash, without thinking about it. Sorry, ydi is better suited for not simply retracing her steps logically.

Anything's possible? A million possible reasons?? Are you people ******* stupid, or just that careless with your stuff?

More of the latter, less of the former. :D Oh I'm sorry, was that a rhetorical question? ;) I was actually not defending the Anything Can Happen group, more stating I find a good reason in short supply why the trash would be the first place to search for one's precious communication device. :)

VampObsessed 16

I've seriously been wondering the same thing! I mean..why the trash? o.0

Thanks Draco, but I was talking to the other idiots that you weren't defending. I guarantee I've had a cell phone longer than most of you, and probably longer than a lot of you have been alive (not condescension, just fact). I've never lost or broken one in all that time because I actually have respect for my stuff, especially my valuable stuff. Thumb me down all you want, but if your phone ends up in the trash, you're either stupid or careless.

Hey *points at the guy with the picture of a man with an object shoved up his rectum* I is no stupid.

58- OP might have placed the phone on a paper towel with orange peels on it and threw away the paper towel, along with the phone on accident. I did that with a spoon one time... Anythings possible!

Poser1337 5
Jewnut 0

Lol check everywhere before the trash, even the fridge, then take care of dirty business