
By Anonymous - 25/12/2011 17:07 - United States

Today, I couldn't find my phone. Worried that I'd accidentally thrown it in the trash, I emptied out all the bins and searched the garbage. An hour later, my daughter said she'd found it by the bathroom sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 005
You deserved it 26 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Epsilonyx 15

"Trash first, rational locations later."

DontClickOnMe 28

You should have called it from another phone and see if you could hear it ring!


IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

At least it didn't get dropped in the toilet.

Ash0 6

It's ok! I always forget where I place my nicknacks and such. The important thing is that at the end of the day, they always come back to momma :')

daydreamer244 13

Why exactly did u think that you threw it in the trash?

KiddNYC1O 20

You should've stopped looking for it, you'd have found it.

Yeah because that's normally the first place to look for your phone......./sarcasm . Dumbass.

Gothicbunnyx3 16

Maybe you daughter knew but just didn't tell you! FYL. Wash those hands. ;)

RubySoho 3

You sound just like my mom. Whenever she misplaces something(and by "misplace" I mean "can't find in less than 5 seconds") she starts yelling about how it's probably in the trash can. When I lived with her I would wake up at least once or twice a week to her yelling about how she threw her keys in the trash can, because she would always run around the house yelling before digging up the trash. It was up to me and my sister to start looking for the keys whilst she dug up the trash desperately, only to find them on the table, in her purse, maybe fallen off the table and on the floor. You know, rational locations. Btw, In years of looking for her stuff in the trash before looking anywhere else, she never found anything there. It's called "use some goddamn common sense and look in rational locations first'.

Lol, Rudysoho, love the story, thanks for sharing. :) Kind of reminds me of my wife too, but she gets more frustrated when she can't find something, not that she actually believes it's in the garbage. :)

reallytho3 11

Hey If it were in a rational place u wuld be found it by now rite?

hateevryone 14

now you gotta put all the trash back in the garbage.