Second base?

By armtits and big pits - 05/04/2014 07:14 - United States - Cape Coral

Today, I went to my crush's house. We were watching a movie when suddenly he started kissing me. As it deepened he began to feel around. He was groping my armpit the whole time but I was too embarrassed that my underarm could pass for my boobs to redirect him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 371
You deserved it 8 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he has a thing for armpits instead of boobs??


Buy some nipple rings and a metal detector.

AngryRabbit 2

Some men are just dumb when they aren't paying attention. My husband once thought my wrist was my boob. We still don't understand how he could mistake the two. Shaking my head...

Maybe he has an armpit fetish. I've heard of more bizarre things happening haha

skyeyez9 24

I give you a gold star for the best fml username.

Maybe he thought armpits were one of your erogenous zones? Don't be surprised when he explores farther south and starts fondling your naval!

I feel ya. My boyfriend once thought that my hips were my ass.