Second base?

By armtits and big pits - 05/04/2014 07:14 - United States - Cape Coral

Today, I went to my crush's house. We were watching a movie when suddenly he started kissing me. As it deepened he began to feel around. He was groping my armpit the whole time but I was too embarrassed that my underarm could pass for my boobs to redirect him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 371
You deserved it 8 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he has a thing for armpits instead of boobs??


Wow ! 2nd base the first try ! Maybe you should move a bit slower. Clearly you're not that comfortable with him yet to bd going that far !!!

I'm trying to figure out how that even worked. Whatevenwhat..

It also sounds like the bra band (the number size) is too small. You should get sized for a bra that fits. If you have a Victoria's Secret or another underwear specialty store near you, ask a sales associate if there is someone there who could measure you for the right size bra. Keep in mind: Even in the same size, two different styles is bra can fit differently (one might fit perfectly, and one might for perfectly awkwardly). So, try it on before you buy it.

Like was it really dark or something I really don't get it

You're probably too young to be doing that if you're not mature enough to grab his wrist, place on your boob, and let go. You don't have to say anything, and for all he knows, you're just redirecting to a specific are you want him to focus on.

dont see how anyone could mistake an armpit for boobs.. they are clearly different..

escobar07 10

That's ******* sick having rolls of fat on you pits.