Second base?

By armtits and big pits - 05/04/2014 07:14 - United States - Cape Coral

Today, I went to my crush's house. We were watching a movie when suddenly he started kissing me. As it deepened he began to feel around. He was groping my armpit the whole time but I was too embarrassed that my underarm could pass for my boobs to redirect him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 371
You deserved it 8 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he has a thing for armpits instead of boobs??


I'm sorry, but can someone explain this to me? How does someone mistake an armpit for a boob? Even if OP is overweight, she can't possibly be so overweight that her armpit and boob are the same size, right? And OP, you got to make out with your crush, so I'd say it's been a pretty good day!

bluefrootloops 13

He was just getting some side boob action.

Next time you make out with him just tape a stick of secret to his hand. Boom, next.....

Maybe he felt some hair in there and thought he was on to something!

The comments on here make this even more hilarious than it started out to be(:

This would be great as an illustrated FML

strohm89 3

Might wana drop a few lb's.

All guys need direction when it comes to sex. Everybody is different and feels different things in different places. Girls need direction too. Don't be scared next time and if it seems awkward laugh it off. Have fun.