See ya later
By myhairgetsfrizzywhenwet - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia
By myhairgetsfrizzywhenwet - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia
By 464424 - 05/05/2012 06:24 - United States - Dayton
By child - 10/12/2015 02:24 - United States - Avon
By me - 07/09/2011 23:53 - United States
By karlajjjjj - 25/10/2013 12:19 - United Kingdom - Cold Ashby
By omgn00blolz89 - 07/04/2009 00:42 - United States
By Tom Ali - 10/01/2012 20:50 - United States
By kellthryn - 17/03/2020 23:00
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff
By Gimmie a spare - 19/04/2016 20:45 - United States - Memphis
By unknown - 07/04/2013 17:01 - Canada - Quebec
To make the situation more interesting, you should have stolen and hot-wired a parked car, and chased after her in high speed pursuit.
you should've collected rain water and then poured it on her after you got home yelling "see how it feels, dirty ****!"
haha that would be sad
raindrops keep falling on my head they keep falling...on my he~ad
What a bitch!
And people wonder why siblings have a reputation of not liking each other.
you shouldve waved at her an smiled
look at the bright side least there wasn't a huge puddle next to you, nd she drove by it, splashed you with dirty water, and kept it moving. You're lucky she just honked and waved. lols
did anyone notice OP's username?
113, you're stuck up and rude yourself. I swear on EVERY comment you get thumbs down/your comment is buried -.-" literally, all of them (that I've seen). Please, just.. stop commenting ._."
At least she honked.
I agree, we must get the same situation where they drive by, put their heads out the window and middle finger you.
I agree, we must get the same situation where they drive by, put their heads out the window and middle finger you.
wow she must rele love u
and your english teacher must really hate you.
did someone say Jim Carrey??? =D
it spelled really
this whole thread= hilarious!!
And Chuck Norris must really hate you. there, I said it. also, hoo kars abut speling
snickerdoodles must really hate you ...too soon?
aww that sucks go home and punch her in the face :)
26 times punch her in the face.-
gee there just isn't anything like family
At least she didn't splash you...
Bitch. No offense to you sister. Bitch.
It could have been worse, she could have drove through a puddle near you!
Ha all of your comments are about the brightside and how things could be worse
I guess that's true.
Or call and say her car is smoking really bad. gahaha!
Why can't you man up and walk home in the rain?
Then she"d have to grow some balls...
Agreed 11. It's rain. Suck it up little princess.
...she did walk home in the rain..
Idiot. He means he is telling her to man up about it a stop complaining.
you dont have to be a man to walk home in the rain
so i guess you consider walking in the rain manly..............
You would have gotten her car seats wet if you got in though OP
best advise! make it something hard with edges :)
To make the situation more interesting, you should have stolen and hot-wired a parked car, and chased after her in high speed pursuit.
you should've collected rain water and then poured it on her after you got home yelling "see how it feels, dirty ****!"