See ya later

By myhairgetsfrizzywhenwet - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my sister drove past me while I was walking home in the rain. She honked to let me know she was there, and kept on driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 141
You deserved it 3 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

To make the situation more interesting, you should have stolen and hot-wired a parked car, and chased after her in high speed pursuit.

you should've collected rain water and then poured it on her after you got home yelling "see how it feels, dirty ****!"


iAmScrubs 19

To make the situation more interesting, you should have stolen and hot-wired a parked car, and chased after her in high speed pursuit.

you should've collected rain water and then poured it on her after you got home yelling "see how it feels, dirty ****!"

HyundaiOwner7 0

and hit two parked cars... phew!

raindrops keep falling on my head they keep falling...on my he~ad

And people wonder why siblings have a reputation of not liking each other.

DudeImBetter 0

you should've flipped her off to let her know you mean business.

you shouldve waved at her an smiled

look at the bright side least there wasn't a huge puddle next to you, nd she drove by it, splashed you with dirty water, and kept it moving. You're lucky she just honked and waved. lols

PurpleRae420 0

No that's not a bitch that's a STUCK UP **** who apparently is too selfish to take the tampon out her ass for one second to care about you!

VEVO_fml 0

revenge for all the times you blackmailed her lol

113, you're stuck up and rude yourself. I swear on EVERY comment you get thumbs down/your comment is buried -.-" literally, all of them (that I've seen). Please, just.. stop commenting ._."

quiet_Wyatt 0

obvious fail comment is obvious. Lawl

I agree, we must get the same situation where they drive by, put their heads out the window and middle finger you.

I agree, we must get the same situation where they drive by, put their heads out the window and middle finger you.

and your english teacher must really hate you.

HyundaiOwner7 0

And Jim Carrey must really hate you.

vyktor_fml 0

And Apple must really hate you.

sexylicious 4
mismonroe 0
Zombieslayer1 0

You should have just kept up the "and so and so must hate you" comments, it's more funny that way. Why does someone always have to **** up those chained messages?

vyktor_fml 0

^ Exactly what I was thinking.

ddubsoldiergrl 0

maybe you should stay after school so your English teacher can help you out with your grammar. then your spelling teacher should help you so you can spell correctly.

And Chuck Norris must really hate you. there, I said it. also, hoo kars abut speling

snickerdoodles must really hate you ...too soon?

aww that sucks go home and punch her in the face :)

Bitch. No offense to you sister. Bitch.

It could have been worse, she could have drove through a puddle near you!

Ha all of your comments are about the brightside and how things could be worse

Or call and say her car is smoking really bad. gahaha!

vyktor_fml 0

There's nothing wrong with optimism.

Why can't you man up and walk home in the rain?

Then she"d have to grow some balls...

Agreed 11. It's rain. Suck it up little princess.

Idiot. He means he is telling her to man up about it a stop complaining.

you dont have to be a man to walk home in the rain

so i guess you consider walking in the rain manly..............

You would have gotten her car seats wet if you got in though OP

holymolybro 0

Throw something at her, goddamnit.

best advise! make it something hard with edges :)